Studies of superdeformation in the gadolinium nuclei

B. Haas, V. P. Janzen, D. Ward, H. R. Andrews, D. C. Radford, D. Prévost, J. A. Kuehner, A. Omar, J. C. Waddington, T. E. Drake, A. Galindo-Uribarri, G. Zwartz, S. Flibotte, P. Taras, I. Ragnarsson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

51 Scopus citations


We have used the 8π γ-ray spectrometer at the Chalk River TASCC facility to study superdeformed rotational bands in the chain of isotopes 145-149Gd. The five bands already known have been extended to higher spin, while four new excited bands have been discovered. The use of very similar reactions, data-acquisition parameters and data-analysis techniques, combined with the enlarged set of data, has allowed us for the first time to approach the topic of superdeformation in the A = 150 mass region from a comprehensive point of view. Transition energies of neighbouring nuclei were compared to extract effective aligned spins of the added particle. Such a comparison requires knowledge of relative nuclear spins, which we have to assume. Nevertheless, we find that a very illustrative picture emerges making it possible to understand all nine bands in the Gd isotopes within a very simple scheme of orbital assignments.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)251-284
Number of pages34
JournalNuclear Physics A
Issue number2
StatePublished - Aug 23 1993
Externally publishedYes


Our colleaguesJ. P. Vivien (Strasbourg)S, . Pilotte (Universityo f Ottawa)a nd H. Kluge (HMI) participatedi n the ‘49Gd experimentsU. ndergraduates tudentsN . Cioran, P. Unrau and M. Sawicki (McMaster University)a ssistedin some experiments. Discussionsw ith Sven Aberg are gratefully acknowledgedT. his work was supportedi n part by the SwedishN atural Science Research Council and by the Natural Sciencea nd EngineeringR esearchC ouncil of Canada.

FundersFunder number
Natural Sciencea nd EngineeringR esearchC ouncil of Canada
SwedishN atural Science Research Council


    • Nuclear reactions


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