Structure functions and form factors close to the chiral limit from lattice QCD

T. Bakeyev, G. Galletly, M. Göckeler, M. Gürtler, R. Horsley, B. Joó, A. D. Kennedy, B. Pendleton, H. Perlt, D. Pleiter, P. E.L. Rakow, G. Schierholz, A. Schiller, T. Streuer, H. Stüben

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


Results for nucleon matrix elements (arising from moments of structure functions) and form factors from a mixture of runs using Wilson, clover and overlap fermions (both quenched and unquenched) are presented and compared in an effort to explore the size of the chiral 'regime', lattice spacing errors and quenching artefacts. While no run covers this whole range of effects the partial results indicate a picture of small lattice spacing errors, small quenching effects and only reaching the chiral regime at rather light quark masses.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)82-88
Number of pages7
JournalNuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
StatePublished - Feb 2004
Externally publishedYes


The Wilson and clover numerical calculations were performed on the Hitachi SR8000a t LRZ (Munich), the Cray T.3Es at EPCC (Edinburgh), NIC (Jiilich) and ZIB (Berlin) as well as the APE/Quadrics at NIC (Zeuthen). The overlap numerical calculations were performed at NIC Jiilich, HLRN/ZIB Berlin and NeSC Edinburgh (IBM Regattas), NIC Zeuthen and Southampton (PC Clusters), and HPCF Cran-field (SunFire). We thank all these institutions for support. This work is supported by the European Community’s Human Potential Program under contract HPRN-CT-2000-00145 Hadrons/Lattice QCD and by the DFG under contract FOR 465 (Forschergruppe Gitter-Hadronen-Phanomenologie) .

FundersFunder number
European Community’s Human Potential ProgramHPRN-CT-2000-00145 Hadrons/Lattice QCD
Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftFOR 465


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