Strategies for high efficiency and stability in biogas-fuelled small engines

Gurneesh Singh Jatana, M. Himabindu, Hari S. Thakur, R. V. Ravikrishna

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

36 Scopus citations


This work assesses the performance of small biogas-fuelled engines and explores high-efficiency strategies for power generation in the very low power range of less than 1000. W. Experiments were performed on a small 95-cc, single-cylinder, four-stroke spark-ignition engine operating on biogas. The engine was operated in two modes, i.e., 'premixed' and 'fuel injection' modes, using both single and dual spark plug configurations. Measurements of in-cylinder pressure, crank angle, brake power, air and fuel flow rates, and exhaust emissions were conducted. Cycle-to-cycle variations in engine in-cylinder pressure and power were also studied and assessed quantitatively for various loading conditions. Results suggest that biogas combustion can be fairly sensitive to the ignition strategies thereby affecting the power output and efficiency. Further, results indicate that continuous fuel injection shows superior performance compared to the premixed case especially at low loads owing to possible charge stratification in the engine cylinder. Overall, this study has demonstrated for the first time that a combination of technologies such as lean burn, fuel injection, and dual spark plug ignition can provide highly efficient and stable operation in a biogas-fuelled small S.I. engine, especially in the low power range of 450-1000. W.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)189-195
Number of pages7
JournalExperimental Thermal and Fluid Science
StatePublished - Apr 2014
Externally publishedYes


The authors wish to thank the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) for the financial support extended under this project.


  • Biogas combustion
  • Fuel injection
  • Lean burn
  • Small engines


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