Strategic buffer layer development for YBCO coated conductors

Mariappan Paranthaman, Tolga Aytug, Kyunghoon Kim, Eliot D. Specht, Lee Heatherly

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9 Scopus citations


We have developed a simplified buffer layer architecture for the rolling-assisted biaxially textured substrates (RABiTS) template approach. The overall purpose of this research is to enable potentially a low-cost, high throughput and high yield manufacturing processes for buffer fabrication and to gain fundamental understanding of the growth of buffer layers for RABiTS templates. This understanding is critical to the development of a reliable, robust, and long-length manufacturing process for second generation wires. In this study, efforts are being made to either reduce the number of vacuum deposited layers or to replace one or more of these vacuum deposited layers with a solution based layer. We have chosen Gd2O3 ZrO 2 system as a potential barrier layer for this study. We have deposited epitaxial Gadolinia Stabilized Zirconia (GSZ) (Zr1-xGd xOy; x = 0-1) films on 30-nm thick e-beam evaporated Y 2O3 seeded Ni-W (3 at. %) (Ni-3W) substrates using a metal-organic decomposition (MOD) process. Detailed X-ray studies indicated that all of the MOD-GSZ layers were cube textured and both in-plane and out-of-plane lattice parameters increases linearly with increasing the Gd content. We have also developed process conditions for reactively sputter deposited epitaxial (Gadolinium Zirconium Oxide (GZO); Zr1-xGdxOy (x = 0.5)) films on the e-beam evaporated Y2O3 /Ni 3W substrates. YBCO films with a critical current density Jc of 2.14 x 106 A/cm2 and 1.4 X 106 A/cm2 at 77 K and self-field were grown on the newly developed architectures of Gd 2Zr2O7/Y2O3/Ni 3W and Zr, xGdxOy (x = 0.2)/Y2O3/Ni - 3W substrates, respectively using a pulsed laser deposition (PLD) process. This work promises a route for producing cost-effective simplified buffer architectures for the RABiTS-based YBCO coated conductors.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5153188
Pages (from-to)3303-3306
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2009


Manuscript received August 26, 2008. First published June 30, 2009; current version published July 15, 2009. This work was supported in part by the US Department of Energy, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE), and Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering (DMSE). This research was performed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed by UT-Battelle, LLC for the USDOE Contract DE-AC05-00OR22725.


  • Buffer layers
  • Metal organic deposition
  • Reactive sputtering
  • Transport property measurements
  • YBCO coated conductors


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