Status and upgrade program of the FERMI@Elettra linac

G. D'Auria, D. Bacescu, A. Borga, F. Cianciosi, P. Del Giusto, S. Di Mitri, O. Ferrando, A. Franceschinis, F. Gelmetti, M. Milloch, A. Milocco, C. Pappas, F. Pribaz, A. Rohlev, A. Rubino, C. Serpico, N. Sodomaco, L. Sturari, M. Trovò, A. TurchetR. Umer, L. Veljak, D. Wang

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

2 Scopus citations


FERMI@ELETTRA is a seeded FEL user facility under construction at Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy. It will use the existing normal conducting S-band linac and, with the installation of seven accelerating sections received from CERN after the LIL decommissioning, will be operated at 1.2 GeV. After the successful commissioning of the new 2.5 GeV Booster injector system of ELETTRA, the linac has been disconnected from the storage ring and is now being revised and upgraded with the installation of major new subsystems, i.e. a new photoinjector, bunch compressors, laser heater, additional accelerating structures, etc. Here we describe the upgrade program as well as the ongoing activities of the main sub-assemblies of the machine and their status.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
StatePublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes
Event11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC 2008 - Genoa, Italy
Duration: Jun 23 2008Jun 27 2008


Conference11th European Particle Accelerator Conference, EPAC 2008


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