STAR Collaboration

STAR Collaboration

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1007-1010
Number of pages4
JournalNuclear Physics A
StatePublished - Nov 2017
Externally publishedYes


STAR Collaboration L. Adamczyk 1 J.K. Adkins 20 G. Agakishiev 18 M.M. Aggarwal 32 Z. Ahammed 49 I. Alekseev 16 A. Aparin 18 D. Arkhipkin 3 E.C. Aschenauer 3 M.U. Ashraf 46 A. Attri 32 G.S. Averichev 18 X. Bai 7 V. Bairathi 28 R. Bellwied 45 A. Bhasin 17 A.K. Bhati 32 P. Bhattarai 44 J. Bielcik 10 J. Bielcikova 11 L.C. Bland 3 I.G. Bordyuzhin 16 J. Bouchet 19 J.D. Brandenburg 37 A.V. Brandin 27 I. Bunzarov 18 J. Butterworth 37 H. Caines 53 M. Calderón de la Barca Sánchez 5 J.M. Campbell 30 D. Cebra 5 I. Chakaberia 3 P. Chaloupka 10 Z. Chang 43 A. Chatterjee 49 S. Chattopadhyay 49 X. Chen 22 J.H. Chen 40 J. Cheng 46 M. Cherney 9 W. Christie 3 G. Contin 23 H.J. Crawford 4 S. Das 13 L.C. De Silva 9 R.R. Debbe 3 T.G. Dedovich 18 J. Deng 39 A.A. Derevschikov 34 B. di Ruzza 3 L. Didenko 3 C. Dilks 33 X. Dong 23 J.L. Drachenberg 48 J.E. Draper 5 C.M. Du 22 L.E. Dunkelberger 6 J.C. Dunlop 3 L.G. Efimov 18 J. Engelage 4 G. Eppley 37 R. Esha 6 O. Evdokimov 8 O. Eyser 3 R. Fatemi 20 S. Fazio 3 P. Federic 11 J. Fedorisin 18 Z. Feng 7 P. Filip 18 Y. Fisyak 3 C.E. Flores 5 L. Fulek 1 C.A. Gagliardi 43 D. Garand 35 F. Geurts 37 A. Gibson 48 M. Girard 50 L. Greiner 23 D. Grosnick 48 D.S. Gunarathne 42 Y. Guo 38 S. Gupta 17 A. Gupta 17 W. Guryn 3 A.I. Hamad 19 A. Hamed 43 R. Haque 28 J.W. Harris 53 L. He 35 S. Heppelmann 33 S. Heppelmann 5 A. Hirsch 35 G.W. Hoffmann 44 S. Horvat 53 T. Huang 29 B. Huang 8 X. Huang 46 H.Z. Huang 6 P. Huck 7 T.J. Humanic 30 G. Igo 6 W.W. Jacobs 15 H. Jang 21 A. Jentsch 44 J. Jia 3 K. Jiang 38 E.G. Judd 4 S. Kabana 19 D. Kalinkin 15 K. Kang 46 K. Kauder 51 H.W. Ke 3 D. Keane 19 A. Kechechyan 18 Z.H. Khan 8 D.P. Kikoła 50 I. Kisel 12 A. Kisiel 50 L. Kochenda 27 D.D. Koetke 48 L.K. Kosarzewski 50 A.F. Kraishan 42 P. Kravtsov 27 K. Krueger 2 L. Kumar 32 M.A.C. Lamont 3 J.M. Landgraf 3 K.D. Landry 6 J. Lauret 3 A. Lebedev 3 R. Lednicky 18 J.H. Lee 3 X. Li 38 Y. Li 46 C. Li 38 W. Li 40 X. Li 42 T. Lin 15 M.A. Lisa 30 F. Liu 7 T. Ljubicic 3 W.J. Llope 51 M. Lomnitz 19 R.S. Longacre 3 X. Luo 7 S. Luo 8 G.L. Ma 40 L. Ma 40 Y.G. Ma 40 R. Ma 3 N. Magdy 41 R. Majka 53 A. Manion 23 S. Margetis 19 C. Markert 44 H.S. Matis 23 D. McDonald 45 S. McKinzie 23 K. Meehan 5 J.C. Mei 39 Z.W. Miller 8 N.G. Minaev 34 S. Mioduszewski 43 D. Mishra 28 B. Mohanty 28 M.M. Mondal 43 D.A. Morozov 34 M.K. Mustafa 23 B.K. Nandi 14 Md. Nasim 6 T.K. Nayak 49 G. Nigmatkulov 27 T. Niida 51 L.V. Nogach 34 S.Y. Noh 21 J. Novak 26 S.B. Nurushev 34 G. Odyniec 23 A. Ogawa 3 K. Oh 36 V.A. Okorokov 27 D. Olvitt Jr. 42 B.S. Page 3 R. Pak 3 Y.X. Pan 6 Y. Pandit 8 Y. Panebratsev 18 B. Pawlik 31 H. Pei 7 C. Perkins 4 P. Pile 3 J. Pluta 50 K. Poniatowska 50 J. Porter 23 M. Posik 42 A.M. Poskanzer 23 N.K. Pruthi 32 M. Przybycien 1 J. Putschke 51 H. Qiu 23 A. Quintero 19 S. Ramachandran 20 R.L. Ray 44 R. Reed 24 H.G. Ritter 23 J.B. Roberts 37 O.V. Rogachevskiy 18 J.L. Romero 5 L. Ruan 3 J. Rusnak 11 O. Rusnakova 10 N.R. Sahoo 43 P.K. Sahu 13 I. Sakrejda 23 S. Salur 23 J. Sandweiss 53 A. Sarkar 14 J. Schambach 44 R.P. Scharenberg 35 A.M. Schmah 23 W.B. Schmidke 3 N. Schmitz 25 J. Seger 9 P. Seyboth 25 N. Shah 40 E. Shahaliev 18 P.V. Shanmuganathan 19 M. Shao 38 A. Sharma 17 B. Sharma 32 M.K. Sharma 17 W.Q. Shen 40 Z. Shi 23 S.S. Shi 7 Q.Y. Shou 40 E.P. Sichtermann 23 R. Sikora 1 M. Simko 11 S. Singha 19 M.J. Skoby 15 D. Smirnov 3 N. Smirnov 53 W. Solyst 15 L. Song 45 P. Sorensen 3 H.M. Spinka 2 B. Srivastava 35 T.D.S. Stanislaus 48 M. Stepanov 35 R. Stock 12 M. Strikhanov 27 B. Stringfellow 35 M. Sumbera 11 B. Summa 33 Y. Sun 38 Z. Sun 22 X.M. Sun 7 B. Surrow 42 D.N. Svirida 16 Z. Tang 38 A.H. Tang 3 T. Tarnowsky 26 A. Tawfik 52 J. Thäder 23 J.H. Thomas 23 A.R. Timmins 45 D. Tlusty 37 T. Todoroki 3 M. Tokarev 18 S. Trentalange 6 R.E. Tribble 43 P. Tribedy 3 S.K. Tripathy 13 O.D. Tsai 6 T. Ullrich 3 D.G. Underwood 2 I. Upsal 30 G. Van Buren 3 G. van Nieuwenhuizen 3 M. Vandenbroucke 42 R. Varma 14 A.N. Vasiliev 34 R. Vertesi 11 F. Videbæk 3 S. Vokal 18 S.A. Voloshin 51 A. Vossen 15 H. Wang 3 F. Wang 35 Y. Wang 7 J.S. Wang 22 G. Wang 6 Y. Wang 46 J.C. Webb 3 G. Webb 3 L. Wen 6 G.D. Westfall 26 H. Wieman 23 S.W. Wissink 15 R. Witt 47 Y. Wu 19 Z.G. Xiao 46 W. Xie 35 G. Xie 38 K. Xin 37 N. Xu 23 Q.H. Xu 39 Z. Xu 3 J. Xu 7 H. Xu 22 Y.F. Xu 40 S. Yang 38 Y. Yang 7 C. Yang 38 Y. Yang 22 Y. Yang 29 Q. Yang 38 Z. Ye 8 Z. Ye 8 L. Yi 53 K. Yip 3 I.-K. Yoo 36 N. Yu 7 H. Zbroszczyk 50 W. Zha 38 Z. Zhang 40 J.B. Zhang 7 S. Zhang 40 S. Zhang 38 X.P. Zhang 46 Y. Zhang 38 J. Zhang 22 J. Zhang 39 J. Zhao 35 C. Zhong 40 L. Zhou 38 X. Zhu 46 Y. Zoulkarneeva 18 M. Zyzak 12 1 AGH University of Science and Technology, FPACS, Cracow 30-059, Poland AGH University of Science and Technology FPACS Cracow 30-059 Poland 2 Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois 60439 Argonne National Laboratory Argonne Illinois 60439 3 Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973 Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton New York 11973 4 University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 University of California Berkeley California 94720 5 University of California, Davis, California 95616 University of California Davis California 95616 6 University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095 University of California Los Angeles California 90095 7 Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei 430079 Central China Normal University Wuhan Hubei 430079 8 University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60607 University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago Illinois 60607 9 Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska 68178 Creighton University Omaha Nebraska 68178 10 Czech Technical University in Prague, FNSPE, Prague, 115 19, Czech Republic Czech Technical University in Prague FNSPE Prague 115 19 Czech Republic 11 Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR, 250 68 Prague, Czech Republic Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR Prague 250 68 Czech Republic 12 Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies FIAS, Frankfurt 60438, Germany Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies FIAS Frankfurt 60438 Germany 13 Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar 751005, India Institute of Physics Bhubaneswar 751005 India 14 Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai 400076, India Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai 400076 India 15 Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 47408 Indiana University Bloomington Indiana 47408 16 Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow 117218, Russia Alikhanov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics Moscow 117218 Russia 17 University of Jammu, Jammu 180001, India University of Jammu Jammu 180001 India 18 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, 141 980, Russia Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna 141 980 Russia 19 Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242 Kent State University Kent Ohio 44242 20 University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40506 University of Kentucky Lexington Kentucky 40506 21 Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information Daejeon 305-701 Republic of Korea 22 Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000 Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Lanzhou Gansu 730000 23 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley California 94720 24 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015 Lehigh University Bethlehem Pennsylvania 18015 25 Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik, Munich 80805, Germany Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik Munich 80805 Germany 26 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824 Michigan State University East Lansing Michigan 48824 27 National Research Nuclear Univeristy MEPhI, Moscow 115409, Russia National Research Nuclear Univeristy MEPhI Moscow 115409 Russia 28 National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar 751005, India National Institute of Science Education and Research Bhubaneswar 751005 India 29 National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101 National Cheng Kung University Tainan 70101 30 Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Ohio State University Columbus Ohio 43210 31 Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Cracow 31-342, Poland Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN Cracow 31-342 Poland 32 Panjab University, Chandigarh 160014, India Panjab University Chandigarh 160014 India 33 Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 Pennsylvania State University University Park Pennsylvania 16802 34 Institute of High Energy Physics, Protvino 142281, Russia Institute of High Energy Physics Protvino 142281 Russia 35 Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 Purdue University West Lafayette Indiana 47907 36 Pusan National University, Pusan 46241, Republic of Korea Pusan National University Pusan 46241 Republic of Korea 37 Rice University, Houston, Texas 77251 Rice University Houston Texas 77251 38 University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026 University of Science and Technology of China Hefei Anhui 230026 39 Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250100 Shandong University Jinan Shandong 250100 40 Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800 Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai 201800 41 State University Of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794 State University Of New York Stony Brook New York 11794 42 Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Temple University Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19122 43 Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843 Texas A&M University College Station Texas 77843 44 University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 University of Texas Austin Texas 78712 45 University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204 University of Houston Houston Texas 77204 46 Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084 Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 47 United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland 21402 United States Naval Academy Annapolis Maryland 21402 48 Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 Valparaiso University Valparaiso Indiana 46383 49 Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata 700064, India Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre Kolkata 700064 India 50 Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw 00-661, Poland Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw 00-661 Poland 51 Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48201 Wayne State University Detroit Michigan 48201 52 World Laboratory for Cosmology and Particle Physics (WLCAPP), Cairo 11571, Egypt World Laboratory for Cosmology and Particle Physics (WLCAPP) Cairo 11571 Egypt 53 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Yale University New Haven Connecticut 06520

FundersFunder number
48824 Michigan State University East Lansing Michigan 48824 27 National Research Nuclear
AGH University of Science and Technology
Beijing 100084 Tsinghua University Beijing 100084 47 United States Naval Academy
Connecticut 06520 Yale University New Haven Connecticut 06520
Czech Republic Czech Technical University in Prague FNSPE Prague 115 19 Czech Republic 11 Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR
Czech Republic Nuclear Physics Institute AS CR Prague 250 68 Czech Republic 12 Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies FIAS
Hubei 430079 Central China Normal University Wuhan Hubei 430079 8 University of Illinois
India Institute of Physics
Indiana 47907 Purdue University West Lafayette Indiana 47907 36 Pusan National University
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna 141 980 Russia 19 Kent State University
Poland Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw
Russia Institute of High Energy Physics Protvino 142281 Russia 35 Purdue University
Russia National Research Nuclear Univeristy
State University
United States Naval Academy Annapolis Maryland 21402 48 Valparaiso University
University of Jammu
Warsaw University of Technology00-661
Wayne State University Detroit Michigan
World Laboratory for Cosmology and Particle Physics
Yale University
Nuclear Physics
Argonne National Laboratory
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
City University of New York
Wayne State University
University of Pennsylvania
University of California Berkeley
University of California, Los Angeles
Creighton University
State University of New York
University of Kentucky
Michigan State University
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Pennsylvania State University
University of Texas Medical School at Houston
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Texas at Austin
Shandong University250100
Shandong University
University of Nebraska Omaha
Indiana University Bloomington
Texas A and M University-Central Texas
Columbus State University
Center for Computational Sciences, University of Kentucky
Institutes of Energy and the Environment, Pennsylvania State University
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
Bethlehem University
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Pusan National University
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Central China Normal University
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Anhui University of Science and Technology
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
National Cheng Kung University
Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

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