SrCuO2/(Sr,Ca)CuO2 superlattice growth by pulsed-laser deposition

D. P. Norton, J. D. Budai, D. H. Lowndes, B. C. Chakoumakos

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26 Scopus citations


Superlattice structures, consisting of SrCuO2 and (Sr,Ca)CuO2 layers in the tetragonal, "infinite layer" crystal structure, have been grown by pulsed-laser deposition. Superlattice chemical modulation is observed for structures with SrCuO2 and (Sr,Ca)CuO 2 layers as thin as a single unit cell (∼3.4 Å). X-ray diffraction intensity oscillations, due to the finite thickness of the film, indicate that these films are extremely flat with a thickness variation of only ∼20 Å over a length scale of several thousand angstroms. These results show that unit-cell control of (Sr,Ca)CuO2 growth is possible in an oxygen pressure regime in which in situ surface analysis is not possible.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2869-2871
Number of pages3
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number22
StatePublished - 1994


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