Spin-wave instabilities and noncollinear magnetic phases of a geometrically frustrated triangular-lattice antiferromagnet

J. T. Haraldsen, M. Swanson, G. Alvarez, R. S. Fishman

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26 Scopus citations


This Letter examines the relation between the spin-wave instabilities of collinear magnetic phases and the resulting noncollinear phases for a geometrically frustrated triangular-lattice antiferromagnet in the high-spin limit. Using a combination of phenomenological and Monte Carlo techniques, we demonstrate that the instability wave vector with the strongest intensity in the collinear phase determines the wave vector of a cycloid or the dominant elastic peak of a more complex noncollinear phase. Our results are related to the observed multiferroic phase of Al-doped CuFeO2.

Original languageEnglish
Article number237204
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number23
StatePublished - Jun 12 2009


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