Spin-liquid-like state in pure and Mn-doped TbInO3 with a nearly triangular lattice

M. G. Kim, B. Winn, S. Chi, A. T. Savici, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, W. C. Chen, X. Xu, Y. Li, J. W. Kim, S. W. Cheong, V. Kiryukhin

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13 Scopus citations


Inelastic neutron scattering studies in single crystals of TbInO3 and TbIn0.95Mn0.05O3 with nearly triangular antiferromagnetic lattice are reported. At low energies, a broad and apparently gapless continuum of magnetic excitations, located at the triangular lattice (TL) Brillouin zone boundary, is observed. The data are well described by the uncorrelated nearest-neighbor valence bonds model. At higher energies, a broad excitation branch dispersing from the TL zone boundary is observed. No signs of static magnetic order are found down to the temperatures two orders of magnitude smaller than the effective interaction energy. The fluctuating magnetic moment exceeds two-thirds of the Tb3+ free-ion value and is confined to the TL plane. These observations are consistent with a TL-based spin liquid state in TbInO3.

Original languageEnglish
Article number024405
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jul 3 2019


Work by the Rutgers group, including sample growth and neutron scattering, was supported by the US Department of Energy (DOE) under Grant No. DOE: DE-FG02-07ER46382. A portion of this research used resources at the High Flux Isotope Reactor and the Spallation Neutron Source, a DOE Office of Science User Facility operated by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Access to MACS was provided by the Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering, a partnership between the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the National Science Foundation under Agreement No. DMR-1508249. We thank C. D. Batista for useful discussions.


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