Spin excitations in BaFe1.84 Co0.16 As2 superconductor observed by inelastic neutron scattering

D. Parshall, K. A. Lokshin, Jennifer Niedziela, A. D. Christianson, M. D. Lumsden, H. A. Mook, S. E. Nagler, M. A. McGuire, M. B. Stone, D. L. Abernathy, A. S. Sefat, B. C. Sales, D. G. Mandrus, T. Egami

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14 Scopus citations


Superconductivity appears to compete against the spin-density wave in Fe pnictides. However, optimally cobalt-doped samples show a quasi-two-dimensional spin excitation centered at the (0.5, 0.5, L) wave vector, "the spin-resonance peak," which is strongly tied to the onset of superconductivity. By inelastic neutron scattering on single crystals we show the similarities and differences of the spin excitations in BaFe1.84 Co0.16 As2 with respect to the spin excitations in the high-temperature superconducting cuprates. As in the cuprates, the resonance occurs as an enhancement to a part of the spin-excitation spectrum, which extends to higher-energy transfer and higher temperature. However, unlike in the cuprates, the resonance peak in this compound is asymmetric in energy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012502
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Aug 6 2009


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