Spin dynamics in the stripe-ordered buckled honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet Ba 2 NiTeO 6

Shinichiro Asai, Minoru Soda, Kazuhiro Kasatani, Toshio Ono, V. Ovidiu Garlea, Barry Winn, Takatsugu Masuda

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Scopus citations


We carried out inelastic neutron scattering experiments on a buckled honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet Ba2NiTeO6 exhibiting a stripe structure at a low temperature. Magnetic excitations are observed in the energy range of â.,ω≠10 meV having an anisotropy gap of 2 meV at 2 K. We perform spin-wave calculations to identify the spin model. The obtained microscopic parameters are consistent with the location of the stripe structure in the classical phase diagram. Furthermore, the Weiss temperature independently estimated from a bulk magnetic susceptibility is consistent with the microscopic parameters. The results reveal that a competition between the nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor interactions that together with a relatively large single-ion magnetic anisotropy stabilize the stripe magnetic structure.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104414
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number10
StatePublished - Sep 12 2017


This research used resources at the Spallation Neutron Source, a DOE Office of Science User Facility operated by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (IPTS-13701.1). The present work using HYSPEC spectrometer was partially supported by the U.S.–Japan Cooperative Research Program on Neutron Scattering (Proposal No. 2015-04).


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