Spin-chirality-driven ferroelectricity on a perfect triangular lattice antiferromagnet

H. Mitamura, R. Watanuki, K. Kaneko, N. Onozaki, Y. Amou, S. Kittaka, R. Kobayashi, Y. Shimura, I. Yamamoto, K. Suzuki, S. Chi, T. Sakakibara

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    25 Scopus citations


    Magnetic field (B) variation of the electrical polarization Pc (c) of the perfect triangular lattice antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO4)2 is examined up to the saturation point of the magnetization for B-c. Pc is observed only in phases for which chirality is predicted in the in-plane magnetic structures. No strong anomaly is observed in Pc at the field at which the spin modulation along the c axis, and hence the spin helicity, exhibits a discontinuity to the commensurate state. These results indicate that the ferroelectricity in this compound originates predominantly from the spin chirality, the explanation of which would require a new mechanism for magnetoferroelectricity. The obtained field-temperature phase diagram of ferroelectricity agree well with those theoretically predicted for the spin chirality of a Heisenberg spin triangular lattice antiferromagnet.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number147202
    JournalPhysical Review Letters
    Issue number14
    StatePublished - Oct 1 2014


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