Spatio-temporal instability in mixed convection boundary layers

P. Moresco, J. J. Healey

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13 Scopus citations


In this work we analyse the stability properties of the flow over an isothermal, semi-infinite vertical plate, placed at zero incidence to an otherwise uniform stream at a different temperature. Near the leading edge the boundary layer resembles Blasius flow, but further downstream it approaches that of pure buoyancy-driven flow. A coordinate transformation that describes in a smooth way the evolution between these two limiting similarity states, where the viscous and buoyancy forces are respectively dominant, is used to calculate the basic flow. The stability of this flow has been investigated by making the parallel flow approximation, and using an accurate spectral method on the resulting stability equations. We show how the stability modes discussed by other authors can be followed continuously between the forced and free convection limits; in addition, new instability modes not previously reported in the literature have been found. A spatio-temporal stability analysis of these modes has been carried out to distinguish between absolute and convective instabilities. It seems that absolute instability can only occur when buoyancy forces are opposed to the free stream and when there is a region of reverse flow. Model profiles have been used in this latter case beyond the point of boundary layer separation to estimate the range of reverse flows that support absolute instability. Analysis of the Rayleigh equations for this problem suggests that the absolute instability has an inviscid origin.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)89-107
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of Fluid Mechanics
StatePublished - Jan 10 2000
Externally publishedYes


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