Spallation radiation damage calculations and database: Cross-section discrepancies between the codes

Wei Lu, Monroe S. Wechsler, Phillip D. Ferguson, Eric J. Pitcher

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


A radiation damage database at NCSU is described that contains, at present, cross sections for damage energy, displacements, helium, and hydrogen. For neutrons and protons at 20-3200 MeV energies, the targets include 23 target elements from Mg to U and eight practical alloys. The underlying calculations employ Bertini, ISABEL, and CEM2k intranuclear cascade models as provided within MCNPX, three level-density formulations (GCCI, HETC, and Jülich), and multistage pre-equilibrium model (MPM) on and off. The database also includes radiation damage cross sections for lower-energy neutrons and protons, as obtained from LA150, SPECTER, ENDF, and SRIM. Examples of the database contents are provided with regard to damage energy and displacement cross sections for neutrons on Al, Fe, and W. Also, neutron flux and displacement rate calculations are described for neutrons on Fe and the 316 stainless steel mercury container vessel at SNS. In addition, discrepancies between the codes are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of ASTM International
Issue number7
StatePublished - 2006
Externally publishedYes


  • Aluminum
  • Codes
  • Cross sections
  • Damage energy
  • Database
  • Displacements
  • Flux
  • Iron
  • Neutron irradiation
  • Proton irradiation
  • Radiation damage
  • Spallation
  • Tungsten


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