Solar Rotation Period Driven Modulations of Plasmaspheric Density and Convective Electric Field in the Inner Magnetosphere

S. A. Thaller, J. R. Wygant, C. A. Cattell, A. W. Breneman, E. Tyler, S. Tian, A. Engel, S. De Pascuale, W. S. Kurth, C. A. Kletzing, J. Tears, David M. Malaspina

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


This paper presents the first analysis of Van Allen Probes measurements of the cold plasma density and electric field in the inner magnetosphere to show that intervals of strong modulation at the solar rotation period occur in the locations of the outer plasmasphere and plasmapause (~0.7 R E peak-to-peak), in the large-scale electric field (~0.24 mV/m peak-to-peak), and in the cold plasma density (~250 to ~70 cm −3 peak-to-peak). Solar rotation modulation of the inner magnetosphere is more apparent in the declining phase of the solar cycle than near solar maximum. The periodicities in these parameters are compared to solar extreme ultraviolet irradiance, solar wind dawn-dusk electric field, and Kp. The variations in the plasmapause location at the solar rotation period anticorrelate with solar wind electric field, magnetospheric electric field, and Kp, but not with extreme ultraviolet irradiance, indicating that convective erosion is the dominant physical process controlling the plasmapause at these timescales.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1726-1737
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2019


The authors wish to thank Dennis Gallagher for useful conversations. Work at the University of Minnesota was supported by APL contract to UMN 922613 under NASA contract to APL NAS5-01072. The EFW data are online at the website ( The work at the University of Iowa was performed under the support of JHU/APL contract 921647 under NASA Prime contract NAS5-01072. EMFISIS data may be obtained from the website ( The authors would also like to thank NASA GSFC for OMNI data; CDAweb through which the OMNI data and Kp were obtained, online at; Kyoto WDC for providing the Dst index, online at; and LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter (LISIRD) for the TIMED/SEE EUV 121.5-nm irradiance, available online at the website ( The authors wish to thank Dennis Gallagher for useful conversations. Work at the University of Minnesota was supported by APL contract to UMN 922613 under NASA contract to APL NAS5‐01072. The EFW data are online at the website ( edu/missions/rbspefw‐home‐ university‐of‐minnesota/). The work at the University of Iowa was performed under the support of JHU/APL contract 921647 under NASA Prime contract NAS5‐01072. EMFISIS data may be obtained from the website (http:// The authors would also like to thank NASA GSFC for OMNI data; CDAweb through which the OMNI data and Kp were obtained, online at https://; Kyoto WDC for providing the Dst index, online at‐; and LASP Interactive Solar IRradiance Datacenter (LISIRD) for the TIMED/SEE EUV 121.5‐nm irradiance, available online at the website ( lisird3/missions/TIMED).

FundersFunder number
NASA PrimeNAS5‐01072
National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationAPL NAS5‐01072
University of Minnesota
University of Iowa921647


    • convection electric field
    • inner magnetosphere
    • plasmapause
    • plasmasphere
    • solar rotation


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