Single-neutron orbits near 78Ni: Spectroscopy of the N=49 isotope 79Zn

R. Orlandi, D. Mücher, R. Raabe, A. Jungclaus, S. D. Pain, V. Bildstein, R. Chapman, G. de Angelis, J. G. Johansen, P. Van Duppen, A. N. Andreyev, S. Bottoni, T. E. Cocolios, H. De Witte, J. Diriken, J. Elseviers, F. Flavigny, L. P. Gaffney, R. Gernhäuser, A. GottardoM. Huyse, A. Illana, J. Konki, T. Kröll, R. Krücken, J. F.W. Lane, V. Liberati, B. Marsh, K. Nowak, F. Nowacki, J. Pakarinen, E. Rapisarda, F. Recchia, P. Reiter, T. Roger, E. Sahin, M. Seidlitz, K. Sieja, J. F. Smith, J. J. Valiente Dobón, M. von Schmid, D. Voulot, N. Warr, F. K. Wenander, K. Wimmer

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28 Scopus citations


Single-neutron states in the Z=30, N=49 isotope 79Zn have been populated using the 78Zn(d, p)79Zn transfer reaction at REX-ISOLDE, CERN. The experimental setup allowed the combined detection of protons ejected in the reaction, and of γ rays emitted by 79Zn. The analysis reveals that the lowest excited states populated in the reaction lie at approximately 1 MeV of excitation, and involve neutron orbits above the N=50 shell gap. From the analysis of γ-ray data and of proton angular distributions, characteristic of the amount of angular momentum transferred, a 5/2+ configuration was assigned to a state at 983 keV. Comparison with large-scale-shell-model calculations supports a robust neutron N=50 shell-closure for 78Ni. These data constitute an important step towards the understanding of the magicity of 78Ni and of the structure of nuclei in the region.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)298-302
Number of pages5
JournalPhysics Letters B
StatePublished - Jan 5 2015


This work was supported by the European Commission through the Marie Curie Actions Contracts Nos. PIEFGA-2011-30096 (R.O.) and PIEFGA-2008-219175 (J.P.), by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under contracts FPA2009-13377-C02 and FPA2011-29854-C04 , by the Spanish MEC Consolider – Ingenio 2010 , Project No. CDS2007-00042 (CPAN), by FWO-Vlaanderen (Belgium) , by GOA/2010/010 ( BOF KU Leuven ), by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme initiated by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BriX network P7/12 ), by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme through ENSAR, contract no. RII3-CT-2010-262010 , and by the German BMBF under contracts 05P09PKCI5 , 05P12PKFNE , 05P12RDCIA and 06DA9036I . R.O., R.C., J.F.W.L., V.L. and J.F.S. also acknowledge support from STFC , Grant Nos. PP/F000944/1 , ST/F007590/1 , and ST/J000183/2 . The authors thank A.M. Moro for valuable discussions.


  • N=50 shell closure
  • Nuclear structure
  • Transfer reactions
  • γ-Ray transitions


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