Single layer of Mn in a GaAs quantum well: A ferromagnet with quantum fluctuations

Roger G. Melko, Randy S. Fishman, Fernando A. Reboredo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Some of the highest transition temperatures achieved for Mn-doped GaAs have been in δ -doped heterostructures with well-separated planes of Mn. In the absence of magnetic anisotropy, the Mermin-Wagner theorem implies that a single plane of magnetic ions cannot be ferromagnetic. Using a Heisenberg model, we show that the same mechanism that produces magnetic frustration and suppresses the transition temperature in bulk Mn-doped GaAs, due to the difference between the light and heavy band masses, can stabilize ferromagnetic order for a single layer of Mn in a GaAs quantum well. This comes at the price of quantum fluctuations that suppress the ordered moment from that of a fully saturated ferromagnet. By comparing the predictions of Heisenberg and Kohn-Luttinger models, we conclude that the Heisenberg description of a Mn-doped GaAs quantum well breaks down when the Mn concentration becomes large, but works quite well in the weak-coupling limit of small Mn concentrations. This comparison allows us to estimate the size of the quantum fluctuations in the quantum well.

Original languageEnglish
Article number115316
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number11
StatePublished - Mar 14 2007


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