Simplifying strong electronic correlations in uranium: Localized uranium heavy-fermion U M2 Zn20 (M=Co,Rh) compounds

E. D. Bauer, C. Wang, V. R. Fanelli, J. M. Lawrence, E. A. Goremychkin, N. R. De Souza, F. Ronning, J. D. Thompson, A. V. Silhanek, V. Vildosola, A. M. Lobos, A. A. Aligia, S. Bobev, J. L. Sarrao

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23 Scopus citations


The physical properties including magnetic susceptibility, magnetization, specific heat, and dynamic susceptibility χ″ (E) are reported for single crystals of the cubic UM2 Zn20 (M=Co,Rh) materials. Maxima in the thermodynamic data at Tmax ∼10 K for both compounds and a broad peak in χ″ (E) at 5 K in UCo2 Zn 20 of width Γ=5 meV indicate a heavy-fermion state characterized by a Kondo temperature TK ∼20-30 K arising from weak hybridization of f - and conduction-electron states. Anderson impurity model fits to the data in the Kondo limit including crystalline electric-field effects corroborate an ionic-like uranium electronic configuration in UM 2 Zn20.

Original languageEnglish
Article number115120
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number11
StatePublished - Sep 29 2008
Externally publishedYes


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