Silicon carbide and silicon carbide composites for fusion reactor application

Tatsuya Hinoki, Yutai Katoh, Lance L. Snead, Hun Chae Jung, Kazumi Ozawa, Hirokazu Katsui, Zhi Hong Zhong, Sosuke Kondo, Yi Hyun Park, Chunghao Shih, Chad M. Parish, Roberta A. Meisner, Akira Hasegawa

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

32 Scopus citations


This paper reviews recent achievements as to nuclear-grade SiC composites in particular for materials-system integration. SiC composite component development are reviewed including VHTR control rod scale model and compact intermediate heat exchanger scale mode by current joining and assembly techniques. Joining methods for SiC to metal and results of characterization of joint shear strength by the torsion tests using small specimens were also reviewed. The recent results of neutron irradiation experiments were also reviewed including detailed analysis of mechanical properties, irradiation creep and preliminary results on tritium behavior in SiC.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)472-476
Number of pages5
JournalMaterials Transactions
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2013


  • Assembly technique
  • Fusion reactor
  • Irradiation creep
  • Irradiation effect
  • Joining
  • SiC composites
  • Tritum


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