Semantic provenance registration and discovery using geospatial catalogue service

Peng Yue, Jianya Gong, Liping Di, Lianlian He, Yaxing Wei

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


A geospatial catalogue service allows geospatial users to discover appropriate geospatial data and services in a Web-based distributed environment. Metadata for geospatial data and services is organized structurally in catalogue services. Provenance for geospatial data products, as a kind of metadata describing the derivation history of data products, can be managed in a same way as other kinds of metadata using metadata catalogue services, thus keeping consistency and interoperability with existing metadata catalogue services. Meanwhile, Semantic Web technologies have shown considerable promises for more effective connection, discovery, and integration of provenance information. This paper addresses how geospatial catalogue services can be enriched with semantic provenance. Semantic relationships defined in provenance ontologies are registered in an OGC standard-compliant CSW service by extending ebRIM elements. The work illustrates that such a semantically-enriched CSW can assist in the discovery of data, service, and knowledge level of geospatial provenance.


  • CSW
  • Data provenance
  • EbRIM
  • GIS
  • Geospatial web service
  • Lineage


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