Search for the Θ+ pentaquark in the reaction γd→pK-K+n

B. McKinnon, K. Hicks, N. A. Baltzell, D. S. Carman, M. D. Mestayer, T. Mibe, M. Mirazita, S. Niccolai, P. Rossi, S. Stepanyan, D. J. Tedeschi, P. Ambrozewicz, M. Anghinolfi, G. Asryan, H. Avakian, H. Bagdasaryan, N. Baillie, J. P. Ball, V. Batourine, M. BattaglieriI. Bedlinskiy, M. Bellis, N. Benmouna, B. L. Berman, A. S. Biselli, S. Bouchigny, S. Boiarinov, R. Bradford, D. Branford, W. J. Briscoe, W. K. Brooks, S. Bultmann, V. D. Burkert, C. Butuceanu, J. R. Calarco, S. L. Careccia, S. Chen, P. L. Cole, P. Collins, P. Coltharp, D. Crabb, V. Crede, D. Dale, R. de Masi, R. DeVita, E. de Sanctis, P. V. Degtyarenko, A. Deur, C. Djalali, G. E. Dodge, J. Donnelly, D. Doughty, M. Dugger, O. P. Dzyubak, H. Egiyan, K. S. Egiyan, L. Elouadrhiri, P. Eugenio, G. Fedotov, G. Feldman, H. Funsten, M. Gabrielyan, L. Gan, M. Garcon, A. Gasparian, G. Gavalian, G. P. Gilfoyle, K. L. Giovanetti, F. X. Girod, J. T. Goetz, A. Gonenc, R. W. Gothe, K. A. Griffioen, M. Guidal, N. Guler, L. Guo, V. Gyurjyan, R. S. Hakobyan, F. W. Hersman, I. Hleiqawi, M. Holtrop, C. E. Hyde-Wright, Y. Ilieva, D. G. Ireland, B. S. Ishkhanov, M. M. Ito, D. Jenkins, H. S. Jo, K. Joo, H. G. Juengst, J. D. Kellie, M. Khandaker, W. Kim, A. Klein, F. J. Klein, M. Kossov, L. H. Kramer, V. Kubarovsky, J. Kuhn, S. E. Kuhn, S. V. Kuleshov, J. Lachniet, J. Langheinrich, D. Lawrence, K. Livingston, H. Lu, M. MacCormick, B. A. Mecking, C. A. Meyer, K. Mikhailov, R. Miskimen, V. Mokeev, S. A. Morrow, M. Moteabbed, G. S. Mutchler, I. Nakagawa, P. Nadel-Turonski, R. Nasseripour, G. Niculescu, I. Niculescu, B. B. Niczyporuk, M. R. Niroula, R. A. Niyazov, M. Nozar, M. Osipenko, A. I. Ostrovidov, K. Park, E. Pasyuk, C. Paterson, J. Pierce, N. Pivnyuk, O. Pogorelko, S. Pozdniakov, J. W. Price, Y. Prok, D. Protopopescu, B. A. Raue, G. Ricco, M. Ripani, B. G. Ritchie, F. Ronchetti, G. Rosner, F. Sabatie, C. Salgado, J. P. Santoro, V. Sapunenko, R. A. Schumacher, V. S. Serov, Y. G. Sharabian, E. S. Smith, L. C. Smith, D. I. Sober, A. Stavinsky, S. S. Stepanyan, B. E. Stokes, P. Stoler, I. I. Strakovsky, S. Strauch, M. Taiuti, A. Teymurazyan, U. Thoma, A. Tkabladze, S. Tkachenko, C. Tur, M. Ungaro, M. F. Vineyard, A. V. Vlassov, L. B. Weinstein, D. P. Weygand, M. Williams, E. Wolin, M. H. Wood, A. Yegneswaran, L. Zana, J. Zhang, B. Zhao, Z. Zhao

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111 Scopus citations


A search for the Θ+ in the reaction γd→pK-K+n was completed using the CLAS detector at Jefferson Lab. A study of the same reaction, published earlier, reported the observation of a narrow Θ+ resonance. The present experiment, with more than 30 times the integrated luminosity of our earlier measurement, does not show any evidence for a narrow pentaquark resonance. The angle-integrated upper limit on Θ+ production in the mass range of 1.52-1.56GeV/c2 for the γd→pK-Θ+ reaction is 0.3 nb (95% C.L.). This upper limit depends on assumptions made for the mass and angular distribution of Θ+ production. Using Λ(1520) production as an empirical measure of rescattering in the deuteron, the cross section upper limit for the elementary γn→K-Θ+ reaction is estimated to be a factor of 10 higher, i.e., ∼3nb (95% C.L.).

Original languageEnglish
Article number212001
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number21
StatePublished - 2006
Externally publishedYes


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