Search for strange quark matter produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions

T. A. Armstrong, K. N. Barish, S. Batsouli, S. J. Bennett, M. Bertaina, A. Chikanian, S. D. Coe, T. M. Cormier, R. R. Davies, G. DeCataldo, P. Dee, G. E. Diebold, C. B. Dover, P. Fachini, B. Fadem, L. E. Finch, N. K. George, N. Giglietto, S. V. Greene, P. HaridasJ. C. Hill, A. S. Hirsch, R. A. Hoversten, H. Z. Huang, H. Jaradat, B. Kim, B. S. Kumar, T. Lainis, J. G. Lajoie, R. A. Lewis, Q. Li, B. Libby, R. D. Majka, T. E. Miller, M. G. Munhoz, J. L. Nagle, I. A. Pless, J. K. Pope, N. T. Porile, C. A. Pruneau, M. S.Z. Rabin, J. D. Reid, A. Rimai, A. Rose, F. S. Rotondo, J. Sandweiss, R. P. Scharenberg, A. J. Slaughter, G. A. Smith, P. Spinelli, M. L. Tincknell, W. S. Toothacker, G. Van Buren, W. K. Wilson, F. K. Wohn, E. J. Wolin, Z. Xu, K. Zhao

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26 Scopus citations


We present the final results from Experiment 864 of a search for charged and neutral strange quark matter produced in interactions of 11.5 GeV/c per nucleon Au beams with Pt or Pb targets. Searches were made for strange quark matter with A ≥ 5. Approximately 3 × 1010 10% most central collisions were sampled and no strangelet states with A ≤ 100 were observed. We find 90% confidence level upper limits of approximately 10-8 per central collision for both charged and neutral strangelets. These limits are for strangelets with proper lifetimes greater than 50 ns. Also limits for H0-d and pineut production are given. The above limits are compared with the predictions of various models. The yields of light nuclei from coalescence are measured and a penalty factor for the addition of one nucleon to the coalescing nucleus is determined. This is useful in gauging the significance of our upper limits and also in planning future searches for strange quark matter.

Original languageEnglish
Article number054903
Pages (from-to)549031-5490318
Number of pages4941288
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2001
Externally publishedYes


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