Search for R-parity violating supersymmetry in the dielectron channel

B. Abbott, M. Abolins, V. Abramov, B. S. Acharya, I. Adams, D. L. Adams, M. Adams, S. Ahn, V. Akimov, G. A. Alves, N. Amos, E. W. Anderson, M. M. Baarmand, V. V. Babintsev, L. Babukhadia, A. Baden, B. Baldin, S. Banerjee, J. Bantly, E. BarberisP. Baringer, J. F. Bartlett, A. Belyaev, S. B. Beri, I. Bertram, V. A. Bezzubov, P. C. Bhat, V. Bhatnagar, M. Bhattacharjee, G. Blazey, S. Blessing, P. Bloom, A. Boehnlein, N. I. Bojko, F. Borcherding, C. Boswell, A. Brandt, R. Breedon, G. Briskin, R. Brock, A. Bross, D. Buchholz, V. S. Burtovoi, J. M. Butler, W. Carvalho, D. Casey, Z. Casilum, H. Castilla-Valdez, D. Chakraborty, S. V. Chekulaev, W. Chen, S. Choi, S. Chopra, B. C. Choudhary, J. H. Christenson, M. Chung, D. Claes, A. R. Clark, W. G. Cobau, J. Cochran, L. Coney, W. E. Cooper, D. Coppage, C. Cretsinger, D. Cullen-Vidal, M. A.C. Cummings, D. Cutts, O. I. Dahl, K. Davis, K. De, K. Del Signore, M. Demarteau, D. Denisov, S. P. Denisov, H. T. Diehl, M. Diesburg, G. Di Loreto, P. Draper, Y. Ducros, L. V. Dudko, S. R. Dugad, A. Dyshkant, D. Edmunds, J. Ellison, V. D. Elvira, R. Engelmann, S. Eno, G. Eppley, P. Ermolov, O. V. Eroshin, H. Evans, V. N. Evdokimov, T. Fahland, M. K. Fatyga, S. Feher, D. Fein, T. Ferbel, H. E. Fisk, Y. Fisyak, E. Flattum, G. E. Forden, M. Fortner, K. C. Frame, S. Fuess, E. Gallas, A. N. Galyaev, P. Gartung, V. Gavrilov, T. L. Geld, R. J. Genik, K. Genser, C. E. Gerber, Y. Gershtein, B. Gibbard, B. Gobbi, B. Gómez, G. Gómez, P. I. Goncharov, J. L. González Solís, H. Gordon, L. T. Goss, K. Gounder, A. Goussiou, N. Graf, P. D. Grannis, D. R. Green, J. A. Green, H. Greenlee, S. Grinstein, P. Grudberg, S. Grünendahl, G. Guglielmo, J. A. Guida, J. M. Guida, A. Gupta, S. N. Gurzhiev, G. Gutierrez, P. Gutierrez, N. J. Hadley, H. Haggerty, S. Hagopian, V. Hagopian, K. S. Hahn, R. E. Hall, P. Hanlet, S. Hansen, J. M. Hauptman, C. Hays, C. Hebert, D. Hedin, A. P. Heinson, U. Heintz, R. Hernández-Montoya, T. Heuring, R. Hirosky, J. D. Hobbs, B. Hoeneisen, J. S. Hoftun, F. Hsieh, Tong Hu, A. S. Ito, S. A. Jerger, R. Jesik, T. Joffe-Minor, K. Johns, M. Johnson, A. Jonckheere, M. Jones, H. Jöstlein, S. Y. Jun, C. K. Jung, S. Kahn, D. Karmanov, D. Karmgard, R. Kehoe, S. K. Kim, B. Klima, C. Klopfenstein, B. Knuteson, W. Ko, J. M. Kohli, D. Koltick, A. V. Kostritskiy, J. Kotcher, A. V. Kotwal, A. V. Kozelov, E. A. Kozlovsky, J. Krane, M. R. Krishnaswamy, S. Krzywdzinski, M. Kubantsev, S. Kuleshov, Y. Kulik, S. Kunori, F. Landry, G. Landsberg, A. Leflat, J. Li, Q. Z. Li, J. G.R. Lima, D. Lincoln, S. L. Linn, J. Linnemann, R. Lipton, A. Lucotte, L. Lueking, A. K.A. Maciel, R. J. Madaras, R. Madden, L. Magaña-Mendoza, V. Manankov, S. Mani, H. S. Mao, R. Markeloff, T. Marshall, M. I. Martin, R. D. Martin, K. M. Mauritz, B. May, A. A. Mayorov, R. Mc Carthy, J. Mc Donald, T. Mc Kibben, J. Mc Kinley, T. Mc Mahon, H. L. Melanson, M. Merkin, K. W. Merritt, C. Miao, H. Miettinen, A. Mincer, C. S. Mishra, N. Mokhov, N. K. Mondal, H. E. Montgomery, M. Mostafa, H. da Motta, C. Murphy, F. Nang, M. Narain, V. S. Narasimham, A. Narayanan, H. A. Neal, J. P. Negret, P. Nemethy, D. Norman, L. Oesch, V. Oguri, N. Oshima, D. Owen, P. Padley, A. Para, N. Parashar, Y. M. Park, R. Partridge, N. Parua, M. Paterno, B. Pawlik, J. Perkins, M. Peters, R. Piegaia, H. Piekarz, Y. Pischalnikov, B. G. Pope, H. B. Prosper, S. Protopopescu, J. Qian, P. Z. Quintas, R. Raja, S. Rajagopalan, O. Ramirez, N. W. Reay, S. Reucroft, M. Rijssenbeek, T. Rockwell, M. Roco, P. Rubinov, R. Ruchti, J. Rutherfoord, A. Sánchez-Hernández, A. Santoro, L. Sawyer, R. D. Schamberger, H. Schellman, J. Sculli, E. Shabalina, C. Shaffer, H. C. Shankar, R. K. Shivpuri, D. Shpakov, M. Shupe, R. A. Sidwell, H. Singh, J. B. Singh, V. Sirotenko, E. Smith, R. P. Smith, R. Snihur, G. R. Snow, J. Snow, S. Snyder, J. Solomon, M. Sosebee, N. Sotnikova, M. Souza, N. R. Stanton, G. Steinbrück, R. W. Stephens, M. L. Stevenson, F. Stichelbaut, D. Stoker, V. Stolin, D. A. Stoyanova, M. Strauss, K. Streets, M. Strovink, A. Sznajder, P. Tamburello, J. Tarazi, M. Tartaglia, T. L.T. Thomas, J. Thompson, D. Toback, T. G. Trippe, P. M. Tuts, V. Vaniev, N. Varelas, E. W. Varnes, A. A. Volkov, A. P. Vorobiev, H. D. Wahl, J. Warchol, G. Watts, M. Wayne, H. Weerts, A. White, J. T. White, J. A. Wightman, S. Willis, S. J. Wimpenny, J. V.D. Wirjawan, J. Womersley, D. R. Wood, R. Yamada, P. Yamin, T. Yasuda, P. Yepes, K. Yip, C. Yoshikawa, S. Youssef, J. Yu, Y. Yu, Z. Zhou, Z. H. Zhu, M. Zielinski, D. Zieminska, A. Zieminski, V. Zutshi, E. G. Zverev, A. Zylberstejn

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

39 Scopus citations


We report on a search for R-parity-violating supersymmetry in pp¯ collisions at √=1.8TeV using the D0 detector at Fermilab. Events with at least two electrons and four or more jets were studied. We observe two events in 99±4.4pb−1 of data, consistent with the expected background of 1.8±0.4 events. This result is interpreted within the framework of minimal low-energy supergravity supersymmetry models. Squarks with mass below 243 GeV/c2 and gluinos with mass below 227GeV/c2 are excluded at the 95% C.L. for A0 = 0, μ<0, tan β=2, and a finite value for any one of the six R-parity-violating couplings λ′1jk (j=1, 2 and k=1, 2, 3).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4476-4481
Number of pages6
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number22
StatePublished - 1999
Externally publishedYes


We thank the Fermilab and collaborating institution staffs for contributions to this work and acknowledge support from the Department of Energy and National Science Foundation (U.S.A.), Commissariat à L’Energie Atom-ique (France), Ministry for Science and Technology and Ministry for Atomic Energy (Russia), CAPES and CNPq (Brazil), Departments of Atomic Energy and Science and Education (India), Colciencias (Colombia), CONACyT (Mexico), Ministry of Education and KOSEF (Korea), and CONICET and UBACyT (Argentina).

FundersFunder number
Commissariat à L’Energie Atom-ique
Departments of Atomic Energy and Science and Education (India), Colciencias
Ministry for Atomic Energy
Ministry for Science and Technology
National Science Foundation
U.S. Department of Energy
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Korea Science and Engineering Foundation
Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia


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