SCALE Demonstration for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Fuel Cycle Analysis

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


In support of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission non-light-water reactor fuel cycle demonstration project, SCALE 6.3.1 capabilities for radionuclide characterization, criticality, and shielding were demonstrated for scenarios in the sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) nuclear fuel cycle. Three postulated accident scenarios were selected for analysis in this work. As a basis for all scenarios, irradiated fuel inventories were generated using SCALE/ORIGAMI. To cover multiple SFR design choices, two different types of SFR fuel, uranium/transuranic-loaded and U-based fuels, were considered. For the first scenario, SCALE/MAVRIC was used to calculate the radiation shielding and dose rates inside and outside of the containment building due to a drop of a spent fuel assembly from the fuel-handling system during unloading inside the containment building. For the second scenario, potential critical configurations in an electrofiner were investigated through criticality calculations with SCALE/CSAS. For the third scenario, the activity of the waste salt from an electrorefiner was evaluated using SCALE/ORIGEN. The dose rate produced by the analyzed SFR assemblies is similar to that produced by a typical pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuel assembly with a discharge burnup of 50 GWd/MTU, with the same cooling time of 10 days. The criticality analyses suggested that the different electrorefiner configurations have a large margin to criticality. The activity analysis of the electrofiner waste revealed that shielding and cooling may be required for the waste salt that contains transuranics and fission products produced by the electrorefiner because of the high activity of the waste salt. In general, the application of various capabilities in the SCALE code system for SFR fuel inventory generation, criticality, and shielding was successfully demonstrated for the selected scenarios in the SFR nuclear fuel cycle. Additional analyses can be performed to provide more accurate results when more details of the SFR nuclear fuel cycles are available, for example, the dimension of the electrorefiner and the salt compositions during reprocessing.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - Apr 2024




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