SCALE analysis of CLAB decay heat measurements for LWR spent fuel assemblies

Germina Ilas, Ian C. Gauld

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


A set of decay heat measurements for spent fuel assemblies recently carried out at the Swedish central interim storage facility for spent fuel, CLAB, was analyzed with the SCALE code system. The measurements include a variety of light water reactor assemblies that cover a large burnup range - up to 51 GWd/MTU - and a cooling time domain of interest to spent fuel storage and transportation applications. The results of the analysis show a good agreement between measured and predicted decay heat, with the calculated decay heat in general within the range of the uncertainty of the measured value. The effect of various assembly data on the calculated decay heat is analyzed and discussed. Uncertainties that may arise from various approaches and assumptions in the computational model are identified and examined.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)37-48
Number of pages12
JournalAnnals of Nuclear Energy
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2008


This work was funded by the NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. The authors would like to thank L. Agrenius, from Agrenius Engineering Co., who facilitated the technical cooperation and exchange of information between ORNL and SKB, and provided helpful comments. The authors would also like to thank the staff at SKB and CLAB involved in the decay heat measurement program for providing helpful details on the experimental data.


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