Scalable dense linear algebra on heterogeneous hardware

George Bosilca, Aurelien Bouteiller, Anthony Danalis, Thomas Herault, Jakub Kurzak, Piotr Luszczek, Stanimire Tomov, Jack J. Dongarra

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Design of systems exceeding 1 Pflop/s and the push toward 1 Eflop/s, forced a dramatic shift in hardware design. Various physical and engineering constraints resulted in introduction of massive parallelism and functional hybridization with the use of accelerator units. This paradigm change brings about a serious challenge for application developers, as the management of multicore proliferation and heterogeneity rests on software. And it is reasonable to expect, that this situation will not change in the foreseeable future. This chapter presents a methodology of dealing with this issue in three common scenarios. In the context of shared-memory multicore installations, we show how high performance and scalability go hand in hand, when the well-known linear algebra algorithms are recast in terms of Direct Acyclic Graphs (DAGs), which are then transparently scheduled at runtime inside the Parallel Linear Algebra Software for Multicore Architectures (PLASMA) project. Similarly, Matrix Algebra on GPU and Multicore Architectures (MAGMA)schedules DAG-driven computations on multicore processors and accelerators. Finally, Distributed PLASMA (DPLASMA), takes the approach to distributed-memory machines with the use of automatic dependence analysis and the Direct Acyclic Graph Engine (DAGuE) to deliver high performance at the scale of many thousands of cores.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTransition of HPC Towards Exascale Computing
PublisherIOS Press BV
Number of pages39
ISBN (Print)9781614993230
StatePublished - 2013

Publication series

NameAdvances in Parallel Computing
ISSN (Print)0927-5452


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