Runaway electron seed formation at reactor-relevant temperature

C. Paz-Soldan, P. Aleynikov, E. M. Hollmann, A. Lvovskiy, I. Bykov, X. Du, N. W. Eidietis, D. Shiraki

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24 Scopus citations


Systematic variation of the pre-disruption core electron temperature (T e) from 1 to 12 keV using an internal transport barrier scenario reveals a dramatic increase in the production of 'seed' runaway electrons (REs), ultimately accessing near-complete conversion of the pre-disruption current into sub-MeV RE current. Injected Ar pellets are observed to ablate more intensely and promptly as T e rises. At high T e, the observed ablation exceeds predictions from published thermal ablation models. Simultaneously, the thermal quench (TQ) is observed to significantly shorten with increasing T e - a surprising result. While the reason for the shorter TQ is not yet understood, candidate mechanisms include: insufficiently accurate thermal ablation models, enhanced ablation driven by the seed RE population, or significant parallel heat transport along stochastic fields. Kinetic modeling that self-consistently treats the plasma cooling via radiation, the induced electric field, and the formation of the seed RE is performed. Including the combined effect of the inherent dependence of hot-tail RE seeding on T e together with the shortened TQ, modeling recovers the progression towards near-complete conversion of the pre-disruption current to RE current as T e rises. Measurement of the HXR spectrum during the early current quench (CQ) reveals a trend of decreasing energy with pre-disruption T e. At the very highest T e (≈ 12 keV), ≈ 100% conversion of the thermal current to runaway current is found. The energy of this peculiar RE beam is inferred to be sub-MeV as it emits vanishingly few MeV hard x-rays (HXRs). These measurements demonstrate novel TQ dynamics as T e is varied and illustrate the limitations of treating the RE seed formation problem without considering the inter-related dependencies of the pellet ablation, radiative energy loss, and resultant variations of the TQ duration. If the observed shortening of the TQ with increasing T e extends to fusion-grade plasmas, than their propensity to form large quantities of RE seeds at high T e may be far worse than previously thought. Positively, the high T e scenario in DIII-D produces REs so prodigiously that it can serve as a meaningful new platform for demonstrating RE avoidance techniques.

Original languageEnglish
Article number056020
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2020


  • runaway electron
  • seed generation
  • tokamak


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