Room temperature crystallography of human acetylcholinesterase bound to a substrate analogue 4K-TMA: Towards a neutron structure

Oksana Gerlits, Matthew P. Blakeley, David A. Keen, Zoran Radić, Andrey Kovalevsky

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) catalyzes hydrolysis of acetylcholine thereby terminating cholinergic nerve impulses for efficient neurotransmission. Human AChE (hAChE) is a target of nerve agent and pesticide organophosphorus compounds that covalently attach to the catalytic Ser203 residue. Reactivation of inhibited hAChE can be achieved with nucleophilic antidotes, such as oximes. Understanding structural and electrostatic (i.e. protonation states) determinants of the catalytic and reactivation processes is crucial to improve design of oxime reactivators. Here we report X-ray structures of hAChE conjugated with a reversible covalent inhibitor 4K-TMA (4K-TMA:hAChE) at 2.8 ​Å resolution and of 4K-TMA:hAChE conjugate with oxime reactivator methoxime, MMB4 (4K-TMA:hAChE:MMB4) at 2.6 ​Å resolution, both at physiologically relevant room temperature, as well as cryo-crystallographic structure of 4K-TMA:hAChE at 2.4 ​Å resolution. 4K-TMA acts as a substrate analogue reacting with the hydroxyl of Ser203 and generating a reversible tetrahedral hemiketal intermediate that closely resembles the first tetrahedral intermediate state during hAChE-catalyzed acetylcholine hydrolysis. Structural comparisons of room temperature with cryo-crystallographic structures of 4K-TMA:hAChE and published mAChE complexes with 4K-TMA, as well as the effect of MMB4 binding to the peripheral anionic site (PAS) of the 4K-TMA:hAChE complex, revealed only discrete, minor differences. The active center geometry of AChE, already highly evolved for the efficient catalysis, was thus indicative of only minor conformational adjustments to accommodate the tetrahedral intermediate in the hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). To map protonation states in the hAChE active site gorge we collected 3.5 ​Å neutron diffraction data paving the way for obtaining higher resolution datasets that will be needed to determine locations of individual hydrogen atoms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)206-215
Number of pages10
JournalCurrent Research in Structural Biology
StatePublished - Jan 2021


This research was supported by the CounterACT Program , National Institutes of Health Office of the Director (NIH OD) , and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) , [Grant Number U01 NS083451 ]. The Office of Biological and Environmental Research supported research at the Center for Structural Molecular Biology (CSMB) at ORNL using facilities supported by the Scientific User Facilities Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy. This research using IMAGINE beamline at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL) High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) was sponsored by the Scientific User Facilities Division, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy. We thank the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL, Grenoble, France) for awarding neutron beamtime on the neutron diffraction beamline LADI-III.

FundersFunder number
Center for Structural Molecular Biology
National Institutes of Health Office
Scientific User Facilities Division
U.S. Department of Energy
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and StrokeU01 NS083451
Basic Energy Sciences
Biological and Environmental Research
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


    • 4K-TMA
    • Neutron diffraction
    • Reversible covalent inhibitor
    • Room temperature
    • X-ray diffraction
    • hAChE


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