Role of a phenomenological validation and integral experiments for maturing the predictive simulations

E. Ivanov, J. Baccou, B. Rearden, A. Boulore, K. Velkov

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4 Scopus citations


Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty (BEPU), as an approach, involves predictive simulations in a safety assessment processes. Since the very beginning (80s) when the best estimate simulations have been firstly accepted in a safety assessment it has been associated the only with a domain of a system thermal hydraulics (SYS TH). Nowadays, due to a progress in a simulation of coupled and complex phenomena the best estimate, as a concept, shifts toward a multi-physics and multi-scale modeling in order to be closer to a reality. Generally speaking, BEPU relies on a predictive capability maturity (PCM) that means: (1) a proximity to reality increasing a role of coupled multi-physics modeling, (2) comprehensive experiment-based validation, and (3) substantial users’ feedback. However, the traditional BEPU conceptual system till now has not been fully adopted to fields of expertise other than SYS TH. We suppose counterproductive such narrowing of BEPU applicability. At the same time users could face a problem of a limited availability of high-fidelity multi-physics experimental data, i.e. of an evidence-based background of validation and uncertainty quantification. Thus, it should be addressed (1) needs to provide a validation basis for various complex multi-physics tools and (2) an evidence-based evaluation of uncertainties. The paper discusses these topics as interrelated parts of one interdisciplinary process.

Original languageEnglish
Article number110584
JournalNuclear Engineering and Design
StatePublished - Jun 2020


  • Best estimate modeling
  • Phenomenological Validation
  • Safety assessment


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