Rocking curve imaging of high quality sapphire crystals in backscattering geometry

A. Jafari, I. Sergueev, D. Bessas, B. Klobes, B. S. Roschin, V. E. Asadchikov, P. Alexeev, J. Härtwig, A. I. Chumakov, H. C. Wille, R. P. Hermann

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9 Scopus citations


We report on the characterization of high quality sapphire single crystals suitable for high-resolution X-ray optics at high energy. Investigations using rocking curve imaging reveal the crystals to be of uniformly good quality at the level of ∼10-4 in lattice parameter variations, δd/d. However, investigations using backscattering rocking curve imaging with a lattice spacing resolution of δd/d∼5×10-8 show very diverse quality maps for all crystals. Our results highlight nearly ideal areas with an edge length of 0.2-0.5 mm in most crystals, but a comparison of the back reflection peak positions shows that even neighboring ideal areas exhibit a relative difference in the lattice parameters on the order of δd/d=10- 20×10-8; this is several times larger than the rocking curve width. Stress-strain analysis suggests that an extremely stringent limit on the strain at a level of ∼100 kPa in the growth process is required in order to produce crystals with large areas of the quality required for X-ray optics at high energy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number044901
JournalJournal of Applied Physics
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jan 28 2017


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