Report on Evolution of Inconel 718 Following HFIR Irradiation

Stephen Taller, Annabelle Le Coq, Caleb Massey, Jesse Werden, Matthew Lynch, Kory Linton

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The report presents the microstructure and mechanical properties of 3D printed Inconel 718 after irradiation in the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) to assess its potential use as a structural material. The structural components near the outlets of several proposed reactor cores will experience significant neutron fluxes and outlet coolant temperatures ranging from the hot standby temperature of 300 °C to nearly 550 °C at the center of the part. These components must support the core in appropriate loading conditions and require structural analysis at relevant temperatures. In FY21, three heat treatments were designed and conducted to simplify the microstructure and to determine how each precipitating phase contributed to the overall strength. In FY21, baseline mechanical properties were measured from uniaxial tensile tests on subsize SS-J2 specimens at room temperature and at elevated temperatures of 300, 450, and 600 °C to serve a comparison to the irradiated properties. Four capsules containing 3D printed Inconel 718 were inserted into HFIR in FY21 for a matrix of two temperatures and two doses. The lower of the two doses was available for characterization in FY22. Multiple heat treatments of Inconel 718 irradiated to nominal conditions of 2 displacements per atom (dpa) at either 300 or 600 °C were strained with uniaxial tensile tests at the Irradiated Material Examination and Testing (IMET) Facility to discern the mechanical properties. Transmission electron microscopy was performed to correlate the observed mechanical properties with nanoscale features. The initially homogenous AM718-HM increased in strength at both irradiation temperatures based on a high density of nanometer-scale radiation-induced cavities at lower temperature and nucleation and growth of γ" precipitates at higher temperatures. The precipitate-hardened AM718-HT2 showed very small differences in strength before and after irradiation: the contribution to strength from γ" precipitates was replaced with dislocation loops. Because the radioactivity of the nickel superalloys from neutron activation limited the scope of the analysis, a feasibility study examined the possibility of an ultra-miniature specimen geometry, colloquially SS-Tiny (SS-T), for mechanical property determination using the nonirradiated Inconel 718. This study found an overestimation of ductility from the SS-T geometry with yield strength and ultimate tensile strength slightly above the SS-J2 geometry: this could be contributed to a reduction in specimen thickness.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - 2022




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