Reformed Fuel Substitution for Transient Peak Soot Reduction

Flavio Dal Forno Chuahy, Jamen Olk, Sage Kokjohn

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Advancements in catalytic reforming have demonstrated the ability to generate syngas (a mixture of CO and hydrogen) from a single hydrocarbon stream. This syngas mixture can then be used to replace diesel fuel and enable dual-fuel combustion strategies. The role of port-fuel injected syngas, comprised of equal parts hydrogen and carbon monoxide by volume was investigated experimentally for soot reduction benefits under a transient load change at constant speed. The syngas used for the experiments was presumed to be formed via a partial oxidation on-board fuel reforming process and delivered through gaseous injectors using a custom gas rail supplied with bottle gas, mounted in the swirl runner of the intake manifold. Time-based ramping of the direct-injected fuel with constant syngas fuel mass delivery from 2 to 8 bar brake mean effective pressure was performed on a multi-cylinder, turbocharged, light-duty engine to determine the effects of syngas on transient soot emissions. A Cambustion fNOx400 high-speed emissions analyzer and an AVL 439 opacimeter were used to quantify emissions under the load change to provide sub-cycle and cycle resolved resolution, respectively. Results show substantial soot reduction benefits with modest levels of syngas without significant increases in NOx emissions under the chosen conditions.

Original languageEnglish
JournalSAE Technical Papers
StatePublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes
Event2018 SAE World Congress Experience, WCX 2018 - Detroit, United States
Duration: Apr 10 2018Apr 12 2018


Financial support from the Office of Naval Research contract N000141410695 with program managers Donald Hoffman and Harold Scott Coombe.

FundersFunder number
Office of Naval ResearchN000141410695


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