Record productions establish RF-driven sources as the standard for generating high-duty-factor, high-current H- beams for accelerators (Winner of the ICIS 2017 Brightness Award)

Martin P. Stockli, Robert F. Welton, Baoxi Han

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


The Spallation Neutron Source operates reliably at 1.2 MW and will gradually ramp to 1.4 MW. This paper briefly recalls some of the struggles when the unprecedented project was started and ramped to 1 MW over a 3 year period. This was challenging, especially for the H- ion source and the low-energy beam transport system, which make up the H- injector. It took several more years to push the H- injector to the 1.4 MW requirements, and even longer to reach close to 100% injector availability. An additional breakthrough was the carefully staged, successful extension of the H- source service cycle so that disruptive source changes became rare events. More than 7 A·h of extracted H- ions have been demonstrated with a single source without maintenance, more than twice the single-source quantity of ions produced by any other high-current H- accelerator facility. Achieving the 1.4 MW requirements with close to 100% availability and record-breaking source service cycles were the basis for the 2017 Brightness Award.

Original languageEnglish
Article number052202
JournalReview of Scientific Instruments
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 1 2018
Externally publishedYes


The SNS ion source team has seven members but only the three physicists have been listed on the award and as authors of this paper to comply with the rules of the Brightness award. However, the three of us acknowledge the numerous and crucial contributions from our ion source technicians Syd N. Murray, Jr., Terry. R. Pennisi, C. M. Stinson, and M. Santana to make the SNS H injector this successful. The expert support from our RF colleagues, Y. Kang, C. Piller, and M. Clemmer, and from our Controls colleagues, J. Tang and S. Reynolds, was also essential. The awardees are grateful for the pre-nomination by D. Bollinger, the sponsorship by J. Lettry, the proposal submission by J. Galambos, and for a crucial first edit by K. Jones. And last but not least, SNS is indebted to LBNL for designing and delivering this highly capable front-end, which now delivers beyond the requirements that some thought were not attainable. The skillful proofreading by J. Holmes (SNS) and two anonymous peer reviewers is highly appreciated, especially the many suggestions that improved clarity and readability.


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