Reconstruction of the (111) and (001) surfaces of Au and Pt: thermal behavior

D. L. Abernathy, D. Gibbs, G. Grübel, K. G. Huang, S. G.J. Mochrie, A. R. Sandy, D. M. Zehner

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

43 Scopus citations


The results of X-ray scattering studies of the (111) and (001) surfaces of Au and Pt are summarized. Each of these surfaces exhibits, in some temperature range, a reconstruction which approximates a close packed hexagonal layer, denser than the (111) planes of bulk Au or Pt. The results are discussed in the context of recent theories of surface reconstruction and of two-dimensional phase transformations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)260-276
Number of pages17
JournalSurface Science
Issue number1-3
StatePublished - Mar 1 1993
Externally publishedYes


We are especiallyi ndebted to G. Ownby for his invaIuableh elp during thesee xperimentsW. e would like to thank J-D. Axe, R.J. Birgeneau,M . Blume, J. Bohr, K.L. D’Amico, F. Grey, G. Helgesen,G . Held, S. Narasimhan,M . Paczuski, B. Ocko, P.S. Pershan,I .K. Robinson,S .K. Sinha, S. Song, D. Vanderbilt, J. Wang and G. Watson for many useful discussionsd uring the course of these experimentsW. ork at MIT was supported by the National ScienceF oundationu nder Grants No. DMR-8806591a nd No. DMR-9119675a nd by the Joint ServicesE lectronics Program under Contract No. DAAL 03-89-C-0001.W ork at ORNL is sponsoredb y the Division of MateriaIs Sciences,O ffice of Basic Energy Sciences,D e-partment of Energy under Contract No. DE-ACO5-84ORZl4~ with Martin Marietta Energy Systems,I nc. Work performed at BNL is supported by the Departmento f Energy under Contract No. DE-AC0276CH00016X. 20 is supported by the National Science Foundation (DMR-9022933a) nd by IBM.

FundersFunder number
D e-partment of Energy
Departmento f EnergyDE-AC0276CH00016X
Division of MateriaIs Sciences
Joint ServicesE lectronics ProgramDAAL 03-89-C-0001
National ScienceF oundationu
National Science FoundationDMR-9022933a
International Business Machines Corporation
Basic Energy Sciences
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


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