Recent results of the study of ADS with 500 kg natural uranium target aßembly QUINTA irradiated by deuterons with energies from 1 to 8 GeV at JINR NUCLOTRON

W. Furman, J. Adam, A. Baldin, A. Berlev, N. Gundorin, Zh Hushvaktov, M. Kadykov, Yu Kopatch, E. Kostyukhov, Kudashkin, A. Makan'kin, I. Mar'in, A. Polansky, V. Pronskikh, A. Rogov, V. Schegolev, A. Solnyshkin, V. Tsupko-Sitnikov, S. Tyutyunnikov, A. VishnevskyN. Vladimirova, A. Wojciechowski, L. Zavorka, V. Chilap, A. Chinenov, B. Dubinkin, B. Fonarev, M. Galanin, V. Kolesnikov, S. Solodchenkova, M. Artyushenko, V. Sotnikov, V. Voronko, A. Khilmanovich, B. Martsynkevich, S. Kislitsin, T. Kvochkina, S. Zhdanov, K. Husak, S. Korneev, A. Potapenko, A. Safronova, I. Zhuk, M. Suchopar, O. Svoboda, J. Vrzalova, V. Wagner, L. Kostov, Ch Stoyanov, P. Zhivkov, M. Bielevicz, S. Kilim, E. Strugalska-Gola, M. Szuta, W. Westmeier, M. Manolopoulou, S. R. Hashemi-Nezhad

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17 Scopus citations


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