Realization of the advanced torodial facility trosatron magnetic field

J. H. Harris, T. C. Jernigan, F. S.B. Anderson, R. D. Benson, R. J. Colchin, M. J. Cole, A. C. England, R. F. Gandy, M. A. Henderson, D. L. Hillis, R. L. Johnson, D. K. Lee, J. F. Lyon, G. H. Neilson, B. E. Nelson, J. A. Rome

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


The Advanced Toroidal Facility is a large torsatron device with a major radius R0 = 2.1 m, an average plasma minor radius a ≈ 0.3 m, and a magnetic field Bo≤2T. The sheared magnetic configuration [t(0) ≈ 0.3, t(a) ≈ 1] is produced by an l = 2, M = 12 field period helical winding set and associated circular vertical field coils. The segmented helical windings were constructed with a tolerance of ±1-mm deviation from the ideal winding law using computer-aided manufacturing and assembly techniques. Nevertheless, in the initial operating period, it was found that field errors produced significant magnetic islands (island width ≈6 cm at t = 1/2 ), which reduced the effective plasma radius by approx. 30%. The main cause of these islands was the toroidally asymmetric field perturbation produced by the geometry of the electrical coil feeds. After 'symmetrization' of the buswork, the dominant magnetic islands were reduced in sized to ≤1 cm at the operating field of 1 T.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51-61
Number of pages11
JournalFusion Technology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1990


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