Ramifications of X-Site Ion Modification in a Zero-Dimensional Piezoelectric Tetrahalozincate

Michael Wells, Jacob Hempel, Nima Karitimari, Youselie Joseph, Syed Joy, Ethan Baker, Alexander A. Puretzky, Md Imran Noor, Kenneth Graham, Paul F. Rottmann, Yang Tse Cheng, Sean R. Parkin, Christopher A. Sutton, Aron Joel Huckaba

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Using mixtures of A, B, or X site ions in piezoelectric hybrid organic inorganic materials has been shown to be an effective strategy to improve piezoelectric properties. Here, we investigated the effect of increasing Br content within histammonium tetrachlorozincate [HistNH3Zn(ClxBr1-x)4] by varying the relative amounts of Cl and Br from x = 0% to 100% on nonlinear optical and piezoelectric properties. We found that the crystal structures were unchanged with Br percentages up to 100%, but the melting point of the materials changed substantially with increasing Br content. On the other hand, the nonlinear optical properties were only moderately affected with increasing Br content. The piezoelectric response of each material was measured and compared with DFT calculated values, both of which agreed that the overall the materials had relatively similar d33 coefficients. The x = 75% Br compound had the largest magnitude d33 value at maximum strain at both 29 °C (−97.56 pm/V) and 40 °C (−92.00 pm/V). The observed negative piezoelectric response is a rare trait that was ascribed to the large number of intermolecular interactions between lattice elements, as described by others.

Original languageEnglish
JournalACS Applied Energy Materials
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • halide mixing
  • hybrid materials
  • low symmetry materials
  • noncentrosymmetric materials
  • nonlinear optics
  • piezoelectrics


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