Radium dial workers: back to the future

Nicole E. Martinez, Derek W. Jokisch, Lawrence T. Dauer, Keith F. Eckerman, Ronald E. Goans, John D. Brockman, Sergey Y. Tolmachev, Maia Avtandilashvili, Michael T. Mumma, John D. Boice, Richard W. Leggett

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


Purpose: This paper reviews the history of the radium dial workers in the United States, summarizes the scientific progress made since the last evaluation in the early 1990s, and discusses current progress in updating the epidemiologic cohort and applying new dosimetric models for radiation risk assessment. Background: The discoveries of radiation and radioactivity led quickly to medical and commercial applications at the turn of the 20th century, including the development of radioluminescent paint, made by combining radium with phosphorescent material and adhesive. Workers involved with the painting of dials and instruments included painters, handlers, ancillary workers, and chemists who fabricated the paint. Dial painters were primarily women and, prior to the mid to late 1920s, would use their lips to give the brush a fine point, resulting in high intakes of radium. The tragic experience of the dial painters had a significant impact on industrial safety standards, including protection measures taken during the Manhattan Project. The dial workers study has formed the basis for radiation protection standards for intakes of radionuclides by workers and the public. Epidemiologic approach: The mortality experience of 3,276 radium dial painters and handlers employed between 1913 and 1949 is being determined through 2019. The last epidemiologic follow-up was 30 years ago when most of these workers were still alive. Nearly 65% were born before 1920, 37.5% were teenagers when first hired, and nearly 50% were hired before 1930 when the habit of placing brushes in mouths essentially stopped. Comprehensive dose reconstruction techniques are being applied to estimate organ doses for each worker related to the intake of 226Ra, 228Ra, and associated photon exposures. Time dependent dose-response analyses will estimate lifetime risks for specific causes of death. Discussion: The study of radium dial workers is part of the Million Person Study of low-dose health effects that is designed to evaluate radiation risks among healthy American workers and veterans. Despite being one of the most important and influential radiation effects studies ever conducted, shifting programmatic responsibilities and declining funding led to the termination of the radium program of studies in the early 1990s. Renewed interest and opportunity have arisen. With scientific progress made in dosimetric methodology and models, the ability to perform a study over the entire life span, and the potential applicability to other scenarios such as medicine, environmental contamination and space exploration, the radium dial workers have once again come to the forefront.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)750-768
Number of pages19
JournalInternational Journal of Radiation Biology
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2022


The study of radium dial painters, a component of the Million Person Study, is supported in part by grants from the US Department of Energy [Grant No. DE-AU0000042 and DE-AU0000046] awarded to the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, and a grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration [80NSSC17M0016]. Further, contract support was received by Oak Ridge National Laboratory from the Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, US Environmental Protection Agency, under Interagency Agreement DOE No. 1824 S581‐A1, under contract No. DE-AC05‐00OR22725 with UT-Battelle. The United States Transuranium and Uranium Registries is funded by US Department of Energy, Office of Domestic and International Health Studies (AU-13), under grant award DE-HS0000073 to the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Washington State University. We are tremendously indebted to innumerable individuals, including the scientists, physicians, epidemiologists, statisticians, technicians, librarians, etc. who have studied these workers and who have published and otherwise preserved associated information since the 1920s. We also acknowledge that in many cases, radium dial workers suffered tremendously and died, and that this suffering and loss was also acutely felt by their loved ones and their communities.


  • Million Person Study
  • Radium
  • dial painter
  • mesothorium


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