Radiation distribution for shattered pellet injection experiment with AXUV array diagnostics in KSTAR

Juhyeok Jang, Jayhyun Kim, Jaewook Kim, Jeongwon Yoo, M. Lehnen, L. R. Baylor, N. W. Eidietis, D. Shiraki, Soohwan Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

9 Scopus citations


Shattered pellet injection (SPI) is the most promising technique for disruption mitigation in reactor-scale magnetic fusion devices such as ITER. For SPI experiments in KSTAR, an AXUV array diagnostic system has been developed to obtain the radiation distribution on the poloidal plane and in the toroidal direction during disruption. AXUV photodiodes enable faster radiation measurement than the sub-millisecond scale. A tomographic reconstruction code for poloidal AXUV arrays has been also developed and tested by synthetic images. For single SPI experiments in 2020, AXUV measurement with a tomography technique visualizes radiation images on the poloidal plane during disruptions. For single SPI, the radiation is highly peaked at the SPI position. A neon (Ne) concentration scan for single SPI shots shows that the radiation energy and current quench duration change significantly with the Ne quantity and saturate at high Ne concentration.

Original languageEnglish
Article number113172
JournalFusion Engineering and Design
StatePublished - Jul 2022


This research was supported by the R&D Program of “KSTAR Experimental Collaboration and Fusion Research (EN2101-12)” through the Korea Institute of Fusion Energy (KFE) funded by the Korean government. Furthermore, this work was done in collaboration with the ITER DMS Task Force and also funded by the ITER Organization under contracts IO/CT/43-1830, IO/CT/43-1909, IO/CT/43-1918, and IO/CT/43-2034.

FundersFunder number
Korea Institute of Fusion Energy
Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías RenovablesIO/CT/43-1830, IO/CT/43-1918, IO/CT/43-2034, IO/CT/43-1909


    • Disruption
    • Plasma diagnostics
    • Shattered pellet injection
    • Tokamak
    • Tomography


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