Radial transport in the Elmo Bumpy Torus in collisionless electron regimes

E. F. Jaeger, C. L. Hedrick, D. A. Spong

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9 Scopus citations


One important area of disagreement between radial transport theory and the ELMO Bumpy Torus (EBT) experiment has been the degree of collisionality of the toroidal plasma electrons. Experiment shows relatively warm electrons (kTe ℒ 300–600 eV) and collisionless scaling, i.e. energy confinement increasing with temperature. But results of early one-dimensional (1-D), neoclassical transport models with radially inward pointing electric fields are limited to relatively cool electrons (kTe ∼ 100–200 eV) and collisional scaling. In this paper these early results are extended to include lowest-order effects of ion diffusion in regions where poloidal drift frequencies are small. The effects of direct, or non-diffusive, losses in such regions are neglected along with the effects of finite radial electric fields on electron transport coefficients and of self-consistent poloidal electric fields on ion transport coefficients. Results show that solutions in the collisionless electron regime do exist. Furthermore, when the effects of finite electron ring beta on magnetic fields near the plasma edge are included, these solutions occur at power levels consistent with experiment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1627-1634
Number of pages8
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 1979


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