Qualification high voltage testing of short triax HTS cables in the laboratory

D. R. James, Isidor Sauers, Alvin R. Ellis, Enis Tuncer, Michael J. Gouge, Jonathan A. Demko, Robert C. Duckworth, Chris M. Rey

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2 Scopus citations


In order to qualify the electrical insulation design of future HTS cables installed in the electric grid, a number of high voltage qualification tests are generally performed in the laboratory on either single-phase model cables and/or actual three-phase cable samples. Prior to installation of the 200-m Triax HTS cable at the American Electric Power Bixby substation near Columbus, Ohio, in September, 2006, such tests were conducted on both single-phase model cables made at ORNL and tri-axial cable sections cut off from cable made on a production run. The three-phase tri-axial design provides some specific testing challenges since the ground shield and three phases are concentric about a central former with each phase separated by dielectric tape insulation immersed in liquid nitrogen. The samples were successfully tested and qualified for partial discharge inception, ac withstand, and lightning impulse where voltage is applied to one phase with the other phases grounded. In addition one of the phase pairs was tested for dc withstand as a "worst case" scenario to simulate the effect of VLF (Very Low Frequency) tests on the actual cable installed at the Bixby site. The model and prototype cables will be described and the high voltage test results summarized.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5109617
Pages (from-to)1762-1765
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2009


Manuscript received August 17, 2008. First published June 23, 2009; current version published July 15, 2009. Research sponsored by the US Department of Energy-Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, Superconductivity Program for Electric Power Systems Contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with Oak Ridge National Laboratory, managed and operated by UT-Battelle, LLC.


  • Dielectric breakdown
  • Partial discharges
  • Power cable testing
  • Superconducting cables


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