Public perceptions towards adoption of residential Solar Water Heaters in USA: A case study of Phoenicians in Arizona

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


Solar Water Heaters (SWHs) are a mature technology with high household adoption rates in developing countries such as China, Turkey and Israel. Despite being existent since early 1970s, SWHs have sustained limited growth in USA contributing to only 2% of the global market. Demographics and socio-economic factors greatly influence consumer perceptions and adoption rates of renewable energy systems, specifically distributed solar – where the decision to adopt is solely taken by consumers. However, consumer based studies to understand public perceptions about deployment of SWHs have not been conducted in USA. To better understand the consumer perspective on SWHs and their market potential, we present a survey based study focusing on the urban population in southwest USA. Our analysis explores the relation of (a) demographics (income and educational qualification), (b) group-influence, and (c) competitive technologies such as solar photovoltaics (PV) on public awareness and acceptance of SWHs. We find that consumers with higher annual income (>$60,000) and educational qualification (>bachelor's degree) have greater familiarity with SWHs. This segment of population is also willing to adopt new solar based technologies. We also note that residential consumers are more aware about solar PV than SWHs. Consumers' favored the need for information on cost and energy requirements, and performance comparison of SWHs against conventional water heating technologies as key deciding aspects to adopt SWHs in future. To assist in future policy making pertaining to investments in solar based technologies, we present a discussion on what lies ahead for SWHs in Arizona and in USA.

Original languageEnglish
Article number128891
JournalJournal of Cleaner Production
StatePublished - Oct 20 2021
Externally publishedYes


The study was funded by American Public Power Association Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments (DEED) Student Scholarship Grant # CS-2184 : “Cost and Energy Implications of Energy Sector Transformation on Water Heating Systems”. The author is grateful to Professor Klaus Lackner at Arizona State University and Mr. Jerald “Chico” Hunter from Salt River Project for their guidance and advise throughout the project. The author thanks Dr. Udayan Singh for his insightful comments during the process of writing the paper. The author would also like to thank all the anonymous respondents for participating in the survey; the anonymous reviewers for providing valuable comments.

FundersFunder number
American Public Power Association Demonstration of Energy & Efficiency Developments
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic DevelopmentCS-2184


    • Consumer behavior
    • Public survey
    • Residential energy consumption
    • Solar PV
    • Solar water heater
    • Southwest USA


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