PSI methodologies for nuclear data uncertainty propagation with CASMO-5M and MCNPX: Results for OECD/NEA UAM benchmark phase i

W. Wieselquist, T. Zhu, A. Vasiliev, H. Ferroukhi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

76 Scopus citations


Capabilities for uncertainty quantification (UQ) with respect to nuclear data have been developed at PSI in the recent years and applied to the UAM benchmark. The guiding principle for the PSI UQ development has been to implement nonintrusive "black box" UQ techniques in state-of-the-art, production-quality codes used already for routine analyses. Two complimentary UQ techniques have been developed thus far: (i) direct perturbation (DP) and (ii) stochastic sampling (SS). The DP technique is, first and foremost, a robust and versatile sensitivity coefficient calculation, applicable to all types of input and output. Using standard uncertainty propagation, the sensitivity coefficients are folded with variance/covariance matrices (VCMs) leading to a local first-order UQ method. The complementary SS technique samples uncertain inputs according to their joint probability distributions and provides a global, all-order UQ method. This paper describes both DP and SS implemented in the lattice physics code CASMO-5MX (a special PSI-modified version of CASMO-5M) and a preliminary SS technique implemented in MCNPX, routinely used in criticality safety and fluence analyses. Results are presented for the UAM benchmark exercises I-1 (cell) and I-2 (assembly).

Original languageEnglish
Article number549793
JournalScience and Technology of Nuclear Installations
StatePublished - 2013
Externally publishedYes


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