Proton band crossings and electromagnetic transition probabilities in 161Lu

C. H. Yu, M. A. Riley, J. D. Garrett, G. B. Hagemann, J. Simpson, P. D. Forsyth, A. R. Mokhtar, J. D. Morrison, B. M. Nyakó, J. F. Sharpey-Schafer, R. Wyss

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

43 Scopus citations


Two new negative-parity and two new positive-parity decay sequences are established to high spin for 161Lu90. The resulting systematics of the routhians, alignments, and B(M1)/B(E2) ratios indicate that 161Lu has both a smaller and less stable quadrupole deformation than the lighter N = 90 isotones and the heavier lutetium isotopes. At low spin, the data are consistent with a sizeable negative γ deformation. Above the band crossing associated with the excitation of a pair of i 3 2 quasineutrons, the evidence for γ deformation disappears; however, the configuration-dependent B(M1)/B(E2) ratios indicate that the nuclear shape may not be completely stable. The systematics of the band crossings based on the excitation of a pair of h 1 2 quasiprotons observed at higher spins in 161Lu and other odd- and even-Z, N = 90 isotones provides the first experimental evidence from high-spin data for proton quadrupole pair correlations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)477-507
Number of pages31
JournalNuclear Physics A
Issue number3
StatePublished - Nov 28 1988
Externally publishedYes


We would like to thank Ikuko Hamamotoa nd Jules Gascon for informative discussionsT.h is work was supportebdy the UK Sciencea ndE ngineerinRg esearch Council (SERC), the Danish Natural ScienceR esearchC ouncil and the Nordic Committeefo r AcceleratoBr asedR esearch( NOACC). C.H.Y. acknowledgetsh e receipot f a overseas-postgradusactheo larshifpr omthe ChineseM inistoryo f Education, M.A.R. acknowledgetsh e receipto f a Royal Society EuropeanE xchange Fellowshipa ward,and J.D.M. acknowledgetsh er eceipto f a SERC postgraduate studentship.

FundersFunder number
Danish Natural ScienceR esearchC ouncil
Ikuko Hamamotoa nd Jules Gascon
Nordic Committeefo r AcceleratoBr asedR esearch
UK Sciencea ndE ngineerinRg esearch Council
Connecticut State Emergency Response Commission


    • Nuclear reactions
    • measured


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