Pronounced Dielectric and Hydration/Dehydration Behaviors of Monopolar Poly(N-alkylglycine)s in Aqueous Solution

Kengo Arai, Naoya Sagawa, Toshiyuki Shikata, Garrett L. Sternhagen, Xin Li, Li Guo, Changwoo Do, Donghui Zhang

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3 Scopus citations


Poly(N-methylglycine) (NMGn) and poly(N-ethylglycine) (NEGn) obtained by polymerization reactions initiated by benzylamine have no carboxy termini, such as those in normal polyamides, but have only amino termini, which exist primarily as cations in aqueous media at a pH value of ca. 9.5, observed in aqueous solutions without any buffer reagents. Therefore, polypeptoids, such as NMGn and NEGn, possessing a degree of polymerization (DP) higher than a certain value behave as cationic monopolar polymeric chain molecules in aqueous solution. It has not been clarified so far whether such a monopolar chain molecule exhibits dielectric relaxation (DR) behavior resulting from its molecular motions in aqueous media as dipolar chain molecules. DR measurements revealed that NMG19 and NEG17, possessing DPs of 19 and 17, respectively, dissolved in pure water clearly demonstrated pronounced DR behavior caused by fluctuating molecular motions of cationic termini at relaxation times of ca. 4 and 9 ns at 10 °C (283 K). The hydration numbers of NMG19 and NEG17 per monomeric residue (nm) in aqueous solution were also evaluated via DR data as functions of temperature, and the nm value of ca. 4.5 at 10 °C showed a remarkable reduction to ca. 2.0 around 40 °C (313 K) and 30 °C (303 K), depending on differences in the substituted group: methyl and ethyl groups. This temperature-dependent hydration/dehydration behavior found in NMG19 and NEG17 slightly influenced the sizes and molecular dynamics of the monopolar chain molecules in aqueous solution.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9978-9986
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry B
Issue number37
StatePublished - Sep 22 2016


This work was partially supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grantin-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Number 26288055. The SANS studies are supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under EPSCoR Grant DESC0012432.


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