Progress Update on Iterative Reconstruction of Neutron Tomographic Images, 2019

Matthew Blackston, Paul Hausladen, Jens Gregor

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The fiscal year (FY) 2019 update of this report satisfies the technical deliverable “Simultaneous reconstruction of simultaneous observables” for project OR16-ML-3DTomography-PD3Jb, “3D Tomography and Image Processing Using Fast Neutrons.” At its inception, this project had two overall goals. The first of these goals was to extend associated-particle fast neutron transmission and, particularly, induced-reaction tomographic imaging algorithms to three dimensions. The second of these goals was to automatically segment the resultant tomographic images into constituent parts and then extract information about the parts, such as the class of shape and potentially shape parameters. This report addresses the component of the project concerned with three-dimensional (3D) image reconstruction and represents the cumulative progress to date. In particular, it addresses the ability to decompose neutrons arriving at times consistent with transmission into transmission and small-angle scattering. Because incremental progress in each year builds on the previous year’s progress and end-ofyear status, progress is most usefully recorded in a cumulative document where incremental progress is reported on a year-by-year basis. Consequently, this report constitutes an update of the last 3 years’ reports [1, 2, 14]. The present year’s progress is detailed in Section 7.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - 2019




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