Production of particle unstable light nuclei in [Formula Presented] Au+Pt heavy-ion collisions

T. A. Armstrong, K. N. Barish, S. Batsouli, S. J. Bennett, M. Bertaina, A. Chikanian, S. D. Coe, T. M. Cormier, R. Davies, C. B. Dover, P. Fachini, B. Fadem, L. E. Finch, N. K. George, S. V. Greene, P. Haridas, J. C. Hill, A. S. Hirsch, R. Hoversten, H. Z. HuangH. Jaradat, B. S. Kumar, T. Lainis, J. G. Lajoie, R. A. Lewis, Q. Li, B. Libby, R. D. Majka, T. E. Miller, M. G. Munhoz, J. L. Nagle, I. A. Pless, J. K. Pope, N. T. Porile, C. A. Pruneau, M. S.Z. Rabin, J. D. Reid, A. Rimai, A. Rose, F. S. Rotondo, J. Sandweiss, R. P. Scharenberg, A. J. Slaughter, G. A. Smith, M. L. Tincknell, W. S. Toothacker, G. Van Buren, F. K. Wohn, Z. Xu

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3 Scopus citations


We report measurements from experiment E864 at the BNL-AGS of the yields of particle unstable light nuclei in central collisions of [Formula Presented] with beam momentum of [Formula Presented] on [Formula Presented] Yields are reported as a function of rapidity for the nuclei [Formula Presented] [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] in the rapidity range from [Formula Presented] to [Formula Presented] and in the transverse momentum range of approximately [Formula Presented] The yields are compared to previously reported yields and trends for the production of stable light nuclei. The nonobservation of two excited states [Formula Presented] and [Formula Presented] is used to set an upper limit on the yields of these states.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9
Number of pages1
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2002
Externally publishedYes


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