Probabilistic quickest path algorithm

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4 Scopus citations


Due to the increasing role of quickest paths for on-demand routing in computer networks, it is important to compute them faster, perhaps, by trading-off the quality for computational speed. We consider the computation of a quickest path from a source node to a destination node for a given message size in a network with n nodes and m links each of which is specified by bandwidth and delay. Every known quickest path algorithm computes m shortest paths either directly or indirectly, and this step contributes to most of its computational complexity which is generally of the form O(m2+mnlogn). We present a probabilistic quickest path algorithm that computes an approximate quickest path with time complexity O(pm+pnlogn) by randomly selecting p≤m bandwidths at which the shortest paths are computed. We show that the delay of the computed path is close to optimal with a high probability that approaches 1 exponentially fast with respect to p/m. Simulation results indicate that this algorithm computes the optimal quickest paths with p/m<0. 1 for almost all randomly generated networks with n>40. We also present an algorithm to compute the path-table consisting of these approximate quickest paths with the same time complexity of O(pm+pnlogn).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)189-201
Number of pages13
JournalTheoretical Computer Science
Issue number2-3
StatePublished - Jan 30 2004


This research is sponsored by National Science Foundation Under Grant No. ANI-0229969, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under MIPR No. K153, and by Engineering Research Program and High-Performance Networking Program of OEce of Science, US Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC. E-mail address: [email protected] (N.S.V. Rao).


  • Approximate quickest path
  • Path-table
  • Probabilistic algorithms
  • Quickest path


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