Preparation of Diffusion Couples for Irradiation and High Temperature Testing of Representative TRISO PyC/SiC

Tyler J. Gerczak, Anne Campbell, Xunxiang Hu, John D. Hunn, Brian C. Jolly, Rachel Seibert, Austin Schumacher

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Understanding the release of fission products from intact tristructural-isotropic (TRISO) coated particle fuel during normal and off-normal service is necessary to ensuring safe and efficient reactor operation. Planar diffusion couples have been fabricated to determine the diffusion kinetics of select fission product species (Ag, Ag+Pd, Eu, and Sr) in pyrocarbon (PyC) and silicon carbide (SiC) materials which are representative of TRISO fuel. Obtaining accurate diffusion coefficients for these systems in representative materials will allow for higher fidelity inputs for fuel performance models. Three different diffusion couple variants have been produced which include a Baseline, PyC, and SiC variant. The Baseline variant serves as an example of representative PyC and SiC layers as the layer properties mimic those found in TRISO fuel from the second Advanced Gas Reactor Fuel Qualification and Development Program. The PyC and SiC variants include variation in the respective layer properties to understand the impact of PyC density and SiC grain size on fission product diffusion. The diffusion couples were designed to allow for exploration of neutron irradiation on diffusion reflecting in reactor behavior as well as high temperature thermal diffusion reflecting diffusive transport during off-normal conditions. The methodology for selecting the diffusion couple design, refinement of the individual variant layer properties, and the complete process for diffusion couple construction are summarized in this report.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUnited States
StatePublished - 2018




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