Prediction of the radiation fields for commissioning of the SNS linac

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


For the commissioning phase, the prompt and residual dose rates in the vicinity of the SNS linac (DTL and CCL sections) were investigated for the scenarios of running a H-beam into the beam collectors located at the downstream end of the DTL tanks and CCL modules. For the CCL module 3 commissioning, which produces the highest dose rates in the accelerator tunnel, the dose rates on the top of the earth-berm were calculated as well. On the basis of the same source terms, the shielding forming the commissioning envelope was designed. MCNPX and the Activation Analysis System were used as tools for the analyses.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 2003
EventSixth International Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology (AccApp'03): Accelerator Applications in a Nuclear Renaissance - San Diego, CA, United States
Duration: Jun 1 2003Jun 5 2003


ConferenceSixth International Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerator Technology (AccApp'03): Accelerator Applications in a Nuclear Renaissance
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySan Diego, CA


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